Antonio Meucci Lodge holds meeting

Apr 24, 2017 732

The Antonio Meucci Lodge met April 10 at Undo’s, with Vice President Tony LaRosa reading invocation and Carol Truax leading the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by members singing “God Bless America.” President Regina Truax welcomed guest Emily Wagglei. Secretary Rita Orler called roll and read the minutes, which were approved. Linda Pfabe gave the treasurer’s report, and Carol Valenti gave the financial report, both of which were approved and filed for audit.

The state convention will be held April 29 in Morgantown, and members were encouraged to attend. Truax announced the annual picnic will be held Aug. 12, and members are looking at potential sites. Truax thanked callers Barbara Purks, Mary Lou Rossi and Rita Orler and bingo caller Mike DiBiase and Gabe Arlia for the Veterans and Memorial Day wreaths and programs.

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