Opera Review: ‘The Elixir of Love’ by Virginia Opera

Feb 23, 2019 1060

BY: Mark Dreisonstok

“Wonderful elixir!  Thou art mine!  Oh, why cannot I enjoy its effects immediately?”  so says the lovesick  peasant Nemorino. Yet this elixir of love is hardly a perfect love potion for Valentine’s Day. 

Instead, it is a scam whereby the scamp Dr. Dulcamara, knowing Nemorino’s desperate attempts to capture the noble lady Adina‘s heart, tricks him into thinking that he is buying and drinking a love potion which is, in fact, no more than cheap Bordeaux.  Comments Dulcamara: “In my travels I’ve seen many fools of every sort and size, but of all the fools the biggest now he stands before my eyes!”

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SOURCE: https://mdtheatreguide.com/

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