We must not lose ITALIAN in New Rochelle Elementary Schools! Sign this petition to tell New Rochelle School District to keep Italian language and culture in the  elementary schools. Children in New Rochelle start learning Italian in Kindergarten at Barnard school, and continue taking Italian through fifth grade. Their Italian studies continue in Mi...

Anche quest’anno la classe d’Italiano del quarto anno di San Francis High School di Sacramento ha fatto la visita al Consolato Generale d’Italia a San Francisco. Ad accogliere il gruppo erano presenti il console generale Lorenzo Ortona, il vice console Luigi Biondi e la responsabile delle scuole, Anna Zeppieri. Dopo una riunione informale, le stude...

Patrons of Italian Culture has a scholarships available for high school seniors currently enrolled in Italian language classes and who have been accepted to an accredited College or University. A commitment to a major or minor in Italian Language or Italian Studies is strongly recommended but is not required to apply for the scholarship. Interested...

Foreign language enrollments in American higher education have seen yet another drop as reported by the Modern Language Association in their most recent publication. The 9.2% loss in enrollments from fall 2013 to fall 2016 indicates these results, as the authors of the report state: “are the beginning of a trend, rather than a blip” when we also ta...

We must not lose Italian in Montclair High School! Sign this petition to tell Montclair Public Schools to keep Italian language and culture in our schools. A recent report by a World Languages consultant to the Montclair Schools recommended "decreasing the number of sections in these [Latin, Italian, German] languages at the least or eliminating La...

Si è svolta dal 1° al 3 marzo l’importante conferenza della National Association Bilingual Education (NABE) arrivata ormai al suo quarantasettesimo anniversario. Quest’anno la conferenza si è tenuta in New Mexico, nel Convention Center di Alberqueque. L’evento, come è noto, è destinato ad illustrare le varie iniziative per la diffusione delle lingu...

March 23, Friday, 4:30 p.m. Center for Italian Studies, Stony Brook University. Workshop/Panel Discussion - Theme: Status of Italian Language Programs on Long Island. Analysis and Discussion of a Survey of Italian Language Programs on Long Island and Actions to be Taken to Enrich Curriculum and Strengthen Programs. This event is organized with the...

L’Ambasciata d’Italia a Washington ha organizzato sabato scorso, 24 febbraio, una giornata di formazione per i docenti di italiano dell’area metropolitana di Washington sul tema: “AP Italian Language and Culture”. Il seminario, tenuto da Ida Wilder, College Board Consultant, docente di italiano presso la Greece Athena H.S. e Adjunct teacher presso...

Che l’Italia nel corso dei secoli abbia ispirato tanti artisti, scultori, architetti, pittori, è cosa nota, ma negli ultimi tempi sembra si sia prepotentemente riproposta sulla mappe della musica globale. Viviamo questa paradossale situazione in cui molti artisti nostrani si cimentano con le lingue straniere e si scontrano con le difficoltà del pro...

Today, my dear friends, we are going to talk about you and I. What do I mean? Well, we are going to talk about subject pronouns. These teeny tiny words are used to express who is doing the action, and they are called subject pronoun because they actually are the subject of the sentence. They are used instead or names like Marco, Lucia and Cecilia,...