In quasi tutti i dipartimenti di italiano nelle varie università americane sono tempi difficili, e molti studenti motivati allo studio non scelgono di iscriversi a un Master in letteratura italiana per mancanza di corsi oppure perché troppo costosi. E, spesso, quando le università non ricevono soldi i dipartimenti di italiano cancellano le classi a...

The idea itself of dialect may be difficult to grasp for non-Italians. It’s not a language, yet it’s not a variety of one either. It may sound like Italian here and there, yet it can also be extremely different and to make things worse, people speaking different dialects may not necessarily understand each other. I have vivid memories of how I, a b...

Italian life can be very vivid and colorful, especially now that summer is around the corner. The sun, the sea, the mountains…everything seems to be bright and full of life! Yes, but did you know that even the language has “colors”? Italian uses colors for so many everyday idiomatic expressions! Let’s take a look at a few of them together.

Idioms - those little stock expressions whose meanings aren't what they first seem - are often the hardest part of learning a new language. And Italian has an abundance of the confusing sayings. This means that you can understand every word that someone is saying to you, and yet still not have a clue what they're talking about. In particular, the w...

L’Italiano piace, e non si parla solo di stile di vita., il portale immobiliare per l’estero, unico in Italia e dedicato esclusivamente ad acquirenti internazionali in cerca di una seconda casa in Italia, a distanza di pochi mesi dagli “Stati Generali della Lingua Italiana nel mondo” ha condotto un sondaggio su un nutrito campione di...

The 2017 National Italian Exam, a national contest of Italian language and culture for middle school and high school students, organized by the American Association of teachers of Italian (AATI), was recently concluded. From California to Massachusetts to Puerto Rico, 5,465 students representing 16 states participated in the contest. The exam was a...

Si è conclusa il 5 giugno l’esperienza formativa di 14 docenti americani appartenenti alla Scuola d’Italia “G. Marconi” di New York, che hanno studiato italiano online attraverso i corsi di lingua ICoN, Consorzio di Università italiane che opera in convenzione con il ministero degli Affari Esteri. La scuola italiana “G. Marconi” (http://lascuoladit...

Say you’re shopping at a farmer’s market in Rome, and you’d like to pick up some nice, ripe watermelon. The signs at some stands call it “anguria”; others say “cocomero” or “melone d’acqua.” Why so many different words for the same fruit? Because in their daily lives, many Italians don’t speak Italian. That is, they don’t shop or chat or argue in s...

The Director of the Coccia Institute is delighted to announce the 2017 Coccia-Inserra Award for Excellence and Innovation in the Teaching of Italian (K-12). Recognizing the importance of acknowledging and motivating excellence in the teaching of Italian, the Coccia family and Lawrence Inserra, Jr., have established this significant award. Our donor...

Next year, Oregon State University will be undergoing some changes in their language department. While there are multiple different ways to say hello, there are just as many ways to say goodbye. This next academic year, Oregon State University will be saying goodbye to a small handful of second-language course opportunities that have previously bee...