In this video I want to teach you how to pronounce correctly the most popular Italian Food words. Italian Words you have been getting wrong. Don’t worry, after this video, you can go to an Italian Restaurant and order food like an Italian. Do you actually know how to say bruschetta the right way? and what about Bolognese? Check out this video to...

When: Saturday, October 21, 2017 - Where: University of Southern California Planning, identifying learning goals and objectives, time constraints, sequencing, differentiating instruction based on student needs, assessment, creativity, gathering and creating materials, keeping up with departmental syllabi, sizing up the audience, working with large...

An Italian teacher and administrator in northwest suburban High School District 214, Angela Briguglio Hawkins was known as “the American” when she was growing up in Sicily. That’s because she was born in Oak Park, but her parents decided to move the family back to their native Sicily when Briguglio Hawkins was two-and-a-half years old. They missed...

Our central Ohio Italian family tree has many branches. One active and very inclusive bough is the Columbus Italian Language Meetup. Italia in Ohio and this Meetup have worked and played together for years, and we have two more co-sponsored events this spring. In 2 weeks the Meetup will hold its annual potluck at the Wild Goose Creative at 2491 Sum...

“L’italiano non è più solamente una lingua etnica. È molto importante ribadirlo. Direi essenziale. D’altronde abbiamo pressappoco 100mila giovani a livello nazionale che studiano l’italiano; a livello universitario, invece, ne calcoliamo circa 90mila”. Lo assicura Antony Julian Tamburri, Decano e professore dell’Italian American Institute Calandra...

Assiduo e attento lettore dei preziosi interventi sullo specifico della cultura e dell’insegnamento dell’italiano negli States da parte di un’addetta sul campo, diciamo fra i banchi, l’esperta Filomena Fuduli Sorrentino, mi sorprende l’allarme di catastrofi presenti e incombenti sull’esistenza e addirittura sulla sopravvivenza della nostra cultura...

You probably thought you were doing well, ordering the simplest and most Italian of coffees rather than the cream- and syrup-filled concoctions you usually get at Starbucks. But asking for an 'expresso' in your local cafe will set the barista's teeth on edge, and confirm to everyone in earshot that you're far from fluent in Italian.  Foreign pronun...

Fondazione Italia has now opened its Orange County Italian Language Center offering courses for children and adults on the Chapman University campus. The Italian Studies program is delighted to support the teaching of Italian to the larger Orange community and is excited about the possibilities inherent in this new partnership. Fondazione Italia is...

After the success of the Maria Manetti Shrem Grants 2016, the Commission for Language and Culture of COMITES is happy to announce the opening of the call for 2017. Students who take the AP Italian Exam 2017 and score 3 or higher will be awarded with prizes from 50 to 100$. This initiative is possible thanks to the generosity of Lady Maria Manetti S...

Cosa ac­ca­de quan­do il dia­let­to si­cu­lo var­ca i con­fi­ni del­la sua ter­ra na­ta­le e ap­pro­da ne­gli Sta­ti Uni­ti? «Ho sem­pre su­bi­to il fa­sci­no del si­ci­lia­no e del­le par­la­te lo­ca­li – af­fer­ma Cono Cin­que­ma­ni, lin­gui­sta tren­ta­seien­ne, ori­gi­na­rio di San Cono (in pro­vin­cia di Ca­ta­nia) – Tut­to ini­ziò quan­do, da...