WTI Magazine #31    2014 May, 22Author :      Translation by:   A research protocol on the new frontiers of imaging in oncology with the prestigious Harvard Medical School. It is the latest addition to the process of internationalization of SDN Institute of Naples, which has become one of the most advanced diagnostic centers in...

by Riccardo Chioni A New York come in altre 180 sedi diplomatiche del mondo, nella ricorrenza del 2 Giugno l'Italia ha promosso l'esposizione universale delle grandi sfide, la Expo Milano 2015 che si svolgerà dal primo maggio al 31 ottobre del prossimo anno. L'Italia fa sistema sull'esposizione che vuole dare risposte alle sfide alimentari del mi...

Bernardo Bertolucci's first Italian-language feature in 32 years and first feature in9 years - ME AND YOU (Io e Te), a sensual coming of age picture, opens in NewYork City on July 4th and will then expand to more theaters across the US. ME AND YOU (IO E TE) stars Jacopo Olmo Antinori and Tea Falco and is basedon a novel by Niccolo Ammaniti's novel...

A seguito della conversione in legge del DL 24/04/2014, n. 66 sono state introdotte le seguenti modifiche, da considerarsi definitive, che verranno applicate a partire dall' 8 LUGLIO 2014: 1. Per coloro gia' in possesso di passaporto in corso di validita', la tassa annuale sui passaporti, sinora ammontante a 40,29 Euro, verra' soppressa. Pertanto,...

Germany leads the principal world economies in energy efficiency, followed by Italy, China and France, a report released by the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy says.For its part, the United States takes 13th place, according to ACEEE's 2014 International Energy Efficiency Scorecard.   ACEEE researchers focused on 31 metrics...

By Giovanni di Napoli I returned to Boston, Massachusetts last weekend for the highly anticipated 100th Anniversary of the Feast of Santa Agrippina di Mineo.   Part of me was a little sad that I was going to miss the Feast of Saint Rocco in Glen Cove and the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Bergen Beach, but you only get one opportunity...

If you were an early 20th century Italian immigrant living in Birmingham, chances are you came from Sicily. More specifically, you probably came from Bisacquino, a small Sicilian village near Palermo. Leaving family behind in Bisacquino was surely a gut wrenching decision, motivated by a desire to escape poverty and facilitated by agents canvassing...

St. Anthony's Mutual Aid Society will hold the annual St. Anthony's Italian Festival on Saturday, Sept. 20, with a traditional procession through the streets of downtown Glassboro at noon.   The event also includes authentic food and entertainment, a bocce tournament and a homemade wine competition. Residents and friends are encouraged to li...

Piu' di 500 amatori hanno animato la Gran Fondo New York Italia, manifestazione organizzata dall'Asd Largo Sole e facente parte del Trofeo Centro d'Italia Biemme, il più grande circuito interregionale dell'Italia centro-meridionale.   Il primo evento al mondo targato GFNY si e' svolto quindi nella nostra nazione, nella "patria del ciclismo",...

by Barbara Gigante Una giornata all'insegna della cultura e dell'identità italoamericana, quella organizzata dalla Cattedra Theresa and Lawrence R. Inserra Endowed della Montclair State University (NJ), lo scorso giovedì 2 Ottobre. La giornata è stata aperta da un un simposio con studiosi delle università di Bologna, Firenze, della Columbia e Flen...

Luisa Del Giu­dice will dis­cuss "Sabato Rodia's Watts Tow­ers." The mag­i­cal sculp­tures called the Watts Tow­ers, made from concrete-encased iron adorned in found glass, ceramic and shells loom silently over the streets of South Cen­tral Los Ange­les.   The sculp­tures were made by an Ital­ian immi­grant, Sabato Rodia, over a period of 33...

MSNBC political commentator and "Meet the Press" host Chuck Todd today acceded to a request from the Italian American ONE VOICE Coalition and UNICO National and made a public apology for comments he made on October 21st on the air during the "Morning Joe" show on MSNBC which stereotyped Italian Americans.   During the October 21st Broadcast...