Riccardo Buttarelli

Riccardo is a 21-year-old International Relations student, active in the social field, passionate about politics and journalism. He literally “una ne fa e cento ne pensa”, an Italian figure of speech that can be translated in something like “while he is doing one thing he already is thinking about a hundred more”. He dreams of being able to fulfill himself in life, but he’s also happy with a well done Carbonara.

In this unforgettable 2020 Italy has seen a boom of registrations of new Small Medium Enterprises. A staggering growth of +40%, which can be summarized basically in two points: many have closed store to open another, many others have changed their production. The latter in particular are not the majority, they are young (6.53%), female (8.82%) and...

During these months of hard and then soft lockdown, especially in this second wave of contagion by COVID-19, Italy is experimenting with the distance learning approach. Results are not enthusiastic for now: not only for the intrinsic attitude of Italian professors to be against every kind of change but also due to poor technologic background of hig...

In these months, we all realized better how fundamental scientific research can be, not only for the improvement of our societies but also to keep our planet safe against future challenges. Covid-19 has undoubtedly given credit to science and its capacity to solve critic situations. The Italian ability in this field has never been in doubt, so the...

Covid-19 is the virus that most of all has spread globally, so the major superpowers of the planet are preparing to find a vaccine that can be of protection for its inhabitants and of central importance for the geopolitical dynamics of the world. The United States has decided to rely on the innovation of the RECORD system, generated by the artifici...

Considering European standards and those of the most developed countries in the world, Italy has often shown to be particularly sensitive to the issue of renewables, especially in recent years. It is estimated that in 2019 our country was able to recycle 1,300,000 tons of plastic alone, an increase of 13% compared to 2018, but this is clearly not e...

If you practiced a contact sport before the coronavirus, competitive or just among friends, thanks to the Italian research you will soon be able to return to the field in total safety. At the Politecnico di Torino, in collaboration with CONI and other sports federations, a prototype of a mask different from the surgical one, able to allow contact s...