Oxytocin – the love and bonding hormone – is powering Dr. Toni Galardi's next book.The Italian-American psychotherapist, executive coach, and resident of Marin County, published a well-regarded book in 2010 on how to adapt to change in times of crisis. The LifeQuake Phenomenon–How to Thrive (Not Just Survive) in Times of Personal and Global Upheav...

Ecletic musician and vocalist Giovanna Gattuso presents her latest album, The King is Naked, produced by Grammy Award winner Ted Perlman   Info Date: Wednesday, August 13, 2014 - Hours: 6.30 pm Venue: IIC LA - Organized by: IIC LA   Source:  

Last May San Francisco Renaissance Voices (SFRV) concluded their 2013–14 concert season on the theme Kol Israel: The Voice of Judaism in Early Music with a program of sacred music that featured the work of Salamone Rossi (among other composers). Rossi was based in Mantua and served as concertmaster for the court musicians between 1587 and 1628, mea...

Date: Monday, March 09, 2015 - Time: 8:07 serali. Location: Center for New Music, 55 Taylor Street, San Francisco Organized by: CNM - In collaboration with: IIC   Italian new music specialist Marco Fusi visits the Bay Area with a program of contemporary violin and viola works by some of the most innovative Italian composers worki...

"ArcSkills" è un innovativo programma e metodo d'insegnamento ideato dall'architetto italiano Guido Icardi, che la Middle School - Centro Specialistico El Sereno, nella circoscrizione consolare di Los Angeles, ha adottato per i ragazzi della Prima Media. Il programma si prefigge di insegnare agli studenti competenze sia scolastiche (geometria, mat...

Author Vera Rossano Gaudiani carefully weaves a fascinating and highly engaging tale of a resilient and independent WWII bride who educated herself at home in spirituality, nutrition, and theology while raising a large family. In Recipes for Body and Soul Gaudiani shares how her faith sustained her through the complexities of life and death over th...

The "City of Trees" will become the "City of Eats" next month as Claremont is hosting its first-ever Claremont Restaurant Week – running for eight nights,July 9-16, 2013 – to showcase its many pubs, grills, sandwich shops, bakeries, and fine dining restaurants. Visitors will discover a wide variety of cuisines as 20 of the city's locally owned eate...

by Mauro Battocchi   "If you want to play the game, you have the play by the rules." said Elisabetta Ghisini, from the accelerator M31 and one of the speakers at last Wednesday's event "How to take the first steps into Silicon Valley" held at the Italian Cultural Institute.   The event is part of the 4-day hi-tech business mission in...

Seguendo le orme del Consolato Generale d'Italia, che si è trasferito nello stesso stabile lo scorso anno, alcuni giorni fa l'ex Italian Trade Commission, ora Italian Trade Agency, ha inaugurato la nuova sede nel cuore di Century City a Los Angeles.   Forse meno spaziosi rispetto ai precedenti ma, decisamente moderni, luminosi e funzionali,...

Growing up in a tight-knit Italian-American family, Marcus Benedetti knew those ties would one day lead him toward taking over Petaluma-based Clover Stornetta Farms.   "I always did think that after seeing my dad and grandfather talk business around the fireplace," Benedetti said. "I wanted that relationship with my dad that he had with his...

INFORUM presents Batali in conversation with Tyler Florence, Bay Area resident, host of numerous Food Network shows, and chef of SF's own Wayfare Tavern. They'll discuss Batali's latest book, America – Farm to Table: Simple, Delicious Recipes Celebrating Local Farmers.   He's a connoisseur of Italian cuisine who has made an indelible mark on...

Un viaggio indietro nel tempo che porta lo spettatore a rivivere la cultura cinematografica italiana dei grandi classici degli anni '60.   Attraverso l'esecuzione dal vivo di celebri brani musicali e suggestive proiezioni video, il quartetto dell'Italian Surf Academy ha messo in scena il suo "American dream" presso la galleria Emerald Tablet...