An Italian American Teacher, An Old Italian Enclave And An Example of Paying It Forward

Mar 07, 2018 977

Our society lacks unique examples that showcase the beauty of human nature. We are usually inundated with retweets or re-posts from the same handful of people and stories that society has installed as examples of what we ought to be. Often these people are celebrities or sports figures who are relatively detached from our realities. Seldom are we told about people like ourselves who dedicate their lives to making the world better through sacrifice.

In Brooklyn, there is a young Italian American man who at 39 (today) dedicates his life to positively impacting those who are much less fortunate than himself. He isn’t a professional baseball or football player. He is not an actor or famous musician nor is he an independently wealthy philanthropist with questionable motives and unlimited money to throw at the world’s issues. In fact, it is quite the contrary; this gentleman is modestly compensated.

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