Viva L’Italiano is Revived on Campus

Mar 29, 2018 928

BY: Gianmarco Panzini

Everyone is welcome again to indulge in some gelato, learn some Italian, or just have a few laughs at the CSI club Viva L’Italiano on Thursday afternoons.   President of the club Viva L’Italiano of CSI, Samantha Massey, plans to resurrect this club from once being canceled, to a growing and active club.

“We want to create a better awareness for the Italian culture and language,” she said.  “It’s open to everyone at CSI.” Two years ago, before Massey was president of this club, the club Viva L’Italiano was created. Unfortunately, the club was later canceled. With help from fellow students and professors within the Italian language department at CSI, Massey brought the club back to life.  


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