Online registration for Jubilee visitors: the Vatican tries to avoid queues and chaos

Aug 21, 2015 891

by Nicoletta Cottone

Visitors to the Jubilee, which starts in Rome this December, will need to present a pass in order to enter the Porta Santa (holy door) of the Basilica of San Pietro in Rome. The goal is to avoid massive queues and chaos and be able to adjust on-site security to the number of people expected. Starting in October, pilgrims can sign up on line for free at the site, set up by the Papal advisory council, the Vatican office that is coordinating the event.

A reservation is strongly advised, according to organizers. The pass is only necessary for access to San Pietro, not any of Rome's other basilicas. Those who are ill and disabled and wish to make the trip will have a dedicated team of volunteers to help them, and should indicate their condition (like dialysis, or requirements for oxygen tanks) when they sign up online.

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Fonte: Italy24


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