Happy Columbus Day — say it loud, say it proud

Oct 12, 2020 2222

BY: David Marcus

Happy Columbus Day. There, I said it. And I mean it. I don’t wish you a solemn Columbus Day, nor a mournful one, nor still a guilty one. No, I wish you a happy Columbus Day. It’s a day to celebrate the contributions of Italian-Americans to our nation’s history. That was the original intent behind the holiday, after all, to elevate Italians at a time when they still faced marked bigotry.

But more than that, it’s a day to celebrate a man whose example of courage and determination we need, as they say, now more than ever. Christopher Columbus wasn’t just the man most responsible for opening up the New World to the Old; he was also an example of the American Dream centuries before our nation was born.

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SOURCE: https://nypost.com

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