25th Festa Italiana Portland!

Mar 30, 2016 1705

This is our 25th Festa Italiana Portland so we are going to celebrate it in a special way! The event takes place in "Portland's Piazza" Pioneer Courthouse Square. We will have Italian Music, Wine/Beer Gardens, Vendors, Dancing and plenty of Italian Food. A great celebration of Italian American culture in beautiful Portland, Oregon. Come join the fun at this family friendly event August 25-27th. Right on the Max Train line. The event is Free admission. We also have several other events for Festa Italiana Week.

Aug-20th, 7 p.m. -Celebrate Mass in Italian at Portland's Grotto. Most Italian Festivals start with a Mass and this one is in Portland's beautiful Grotto. Italian dolce (desserts) reception after the Mass.
Aug-21st, 9 a.m.-Bocce Tournament at Cedarville Park in Gresham. Great fun if you play or want to watch. Food and beverages available for purchase.
Aug-23rd, 7 p.m.- Italian Movie Night at the Flicks. Free movie in Italian (subtitles in English). Fifth Avenue Cinema.
Aug- 25-27th, 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Festa Italiana Portland at Pioneer Courthouse Square. Fun for the entire family and it is free.
For much more information see www.festa-italiana.org or Facebook

Source: Festa Italiana Portland

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