Fregiato named keynote speaker for state Sons of Italy convention

Jun 13, 2019 833

Judge Frank Fregiato has been named the key note speaker for the state wide Sons of Italy Ohio Convention to be held June 22 in Columbus. In addition to the attendance by the local Sons of Italy President and the State of Ohio President, the National President, out of Washington, D.C., and the California First Vice President will also be present for Fregiato’s talk. He will be accompanied by Cynthia Fregiato, the Belmont County Clerk of Courts.

Fregiato’s presentation will be centered on the opiate crisis in the U.S., the Italian and Siciliano involvement in the 1930’s and 1940’s, Belmont County’s Drug Court, and the current drive by Italian-Americans to resolve this problem commencing at the grade school level.

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