Misunderstanding, ignorance in discussion of Columbus

Sep 19, 2020 702

BY: Louis A. Bevilacqua

The recent controversy surrounding the taking down of varied statuary around the country in the climate of hyper-political correctness is developing a nasty tone. What is troublesome is the mob rule mentality and its vandalic approach. Rather than differentiating between right and wrong, the debate has become about ending all monuments to the past and that all dead white men are bad in some way.

What is being forgotten in our evolutionary democracy is that it has taken hundreds of years to construct a democracy where the people have any authority or freedom. Some men from the past, previous leadership were ahead of their time and therefore it is dangerous to take down a statue of Columbus, an Italian adventurer exploring for the crown of Spain, equating his contribution mistakenly with those of the slave trade, which began 50 years after him.

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SOURCE: https://www.ctpost.com

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