Olive oil is an essential part of Italian-American food culture, and is key to Italy’s economic livelihood. It may be simpler to name the Italian dishes you’d find on the Sunday Supper table that don’t use the ingredient, rather than the scores of recipes that do. With a taste so purely delicious, it’s understandable why most Italian Americans grew...

The Italian Association of the Olive Oil Industry (Assitol) has warned that producers in the country could lose up to $200 million a year if American tariffs on olive oil imports from the European Union are approved. Anna Cane, Assitol’s president, said that exports to the United States could fall by as much as 50 percent if the World Trade Organiz...

Nella svolta green dell’agricoltura europea, l’Italia gioca un ruolo fondamentale, e lo dicono i numeri. Siamo i maggiori produttori di agrumi al mondo (il 27% dell’intera superficie agrumicola italiana è biologica), il primo Paese europeo per l’ulivo (è biologica oltre il 20% della superficie nazionale a oliveti), per la frutta (quasi 25.000 ettar...

Negli Stati Uniti, il commercio dei prodotti agroalimentari biologici viene regolamentato dalla USDA, ossia dal Dipartimento di Agricoltura Americano (U.S. Department of Agricolture). Generalmente, i produttori che appartengono a tale settore vanno incontro alla procedura standard di certificazione prevista dalla USDA che prevede la scelta dell’age...

I acquired a taste for good Italian food at a young age. Living next door to a three generation Italian family introduced us to unsurpassed cuisine. Straight off the boat, Grandma’s ravioli was made from scratch. The dough was light and creamy, the filling laced with ricotta and the fresh homemade sauce was one that had simmered for days. At Christ...

May in Italy : here are the main varieties of Italian strawberries Perhaps not everybody knows that May in Italy is the month of strawberries . In fact, it is precisely in this particular period of the year that this fruit sees its natural maturation. Although nowadays it is possible to find them all year round thanks to the evolution of cultivatio...

L’applicazione di nuovi dazi USA annunciati dal presidente Donald Trump  – che scatenano dibattito internazionale e indici di Borsa –  riguardano prodotti provenienti dalla Cina (nuove imposte all’ingresso pari al 25% su 325 miliardi di prodotti al momento non tassati), ma anche per quelli UE esistono rischi concreti.  La procedura programmata dal...

Migration is usually going from rural to urban areas, pushing people out of the countryside towards cities where they can find an economic universe which is more dynamic and that can offer better job opportunities. This tendency has shown itself worldwide throughout history. People fled the countryside because of the association of the area with th...

Close your eyes and image Sicily in all its glory, some two thousand years ago.  A precious stone set in the crystal blue Mediterranean, she was the envy of every nation: the Greeks conquered it, longing to settle in such a fertile, beautiful land; the Romans got it back and transformed it into the heart of their economy. And then came the Vandals,...

E' presto per tracciare un bilancio della partecipazione italiana al Winter Fancy Food, la principale manifestazione della West Coast dedicata alle specialità alimentari, che si è svolta a San Francisco dal 13 al 15 gennaio con 52 aziende nel Padiglione italiano (“The Extraordinary Italian Taste”), 23 nell'area Usa e un'affluenza di oltre 30mila vi...