The first Italian edition of the Academy For Women Entrepreneurs, the U.S. State Department's program that aims to provide women and girls with the knowledge and network they need to turn their business ideas into reality, free of charge, has kicked off. The Academy For Women Entrepreneurs was born out of a partnership between the U.S. Diplomatic M...

The NIAF Board of Directors Mission to Italy trip, which took place from June 11 – 21, 2023, was a resounding success. The trip began in Rome, where the board met with high-ranking officials of the Meloni government, members of the Italian parliament and attended a Gala dinner presented by We the Italians, in honor of NIAF, at the historic Circolo...

The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) and the City of Naples have signed an agreement to create new opportunities for cultural and economic collaboration, promote Neapolitan culture in the United States, and strengthen the long-standing bond of friendship between Naples and the US. On the occasion, Consul General

NIABA’Bi-Annual Conference took place September 19-24, 2022 in Naples, Italy. This marks the return of the event after it was rescheduled as a result of the pandemic. NIABA nominated Director Antonietta Brancaccio-Balzano chair of the Conference given her background and ties to Naples. With the assistance of Directors Anthony Gianfrancesco, and Ral...

Tracy Roberts-Pounds is the new Consul General of the United States of America, Naples. She began her career in the U.S. Department of State in 2000 and is a career diplomat in the Senior Foreign Service. From 2018 to 2021, Ms. Roberts-Pounds served as head of the Regional Peace and Security Office at the Bureau for African Affairs. Previously, she...

AmCham Italy, associazione affiliata alla Camera di commercio di Washington (la Confindustria statunitense della quale fanno parte oltre tre milioni di imprese, annuncia la costituzione del Comitato per il Sud. A Mary Avery, console Usa a Napoli, è stata affidata la presidenza onoraria. Componenti di diritto dell’organismo sono i Local Chapters di...

Compie 225 anni il Consolato Generale degli Stati Uniti d'America presente a Napoli. E per l'occasione verranno pubblicate, per i prossimi sei mesi, le foto più significative dello storico archivio di immagini che vanno dagli Anni Venti agli Anni Settanta, per una campagna social denominato #AmericaNA225 e promossa proprio dal consolato a stelle e...

Layers of construction barriers hid the main entrance from view, so we veered off towards the seaside in hopes of spotting another point of access. Aside from enjoying the sights and sounds of Neapolitan fishermen in a local harbor, no luck. Circumnavigating the consulate and slipping into the pedestrian way immediately before the construction seem...

Una pizza su cui spicca la bandiera dell'Italia, un panino con quella degli Stati Uniti; sullo sfondo, il golfo di Napoli col Vesuvio. È questa la foto che si è aggiudicata il primo premio del contest del Consolato Generale degli Stati Uniti a Napoli, con tema l'amicizia tra gli Stati Uniti e il Sud Italia, lanciato su Facebook per festeggiare il 2...

Attrezzature e medicinali dal valore di 336mila dollari complessivi: questo il dono degli Stati Uniti d'America alla Regione Campania per affrontare al meglio la pandemia da coronavirus. Quest'oggi la consegna, alla presenza del console generale statunitense Mary Avery e del presidente della regione Vincenzo De Luca, oltre che del comandante delle...