The Italian Diaspora Studies Summer School is a three-week summer program at the University of Calabria (Arcavacata di Rende) that takes place June 15th through July 3rd. The Summer School is designed to introduce participants to cultural studies of the Italian Diaspora from a variety of academic perspectives and to foster development of individual...

The John D. Calandra Italian American Institute and The Italian Language Intercultural Alliance in collaboration with the Italian American Faculty and Staff Advisory Council will hold its annual reception for faculty and staff on Monday, September 28th. This year's reception will feature a presentation and discussion titled "How Do Cultural Differe...

by Anthony J. Tanburri   Cari Amici, I am pleased to announce the reconstitution of the Calandra Center for Career Development at the Calandra Institute offices in Manhattan on January 12, 2015. The Center will provide individual career counseling and assessment to current students and members of the community, 18 years of age and older, wh...

La Puglia Center of America è felice di annunciare che il prossimo 13 Marzo 2014, presso il ristorante Etcetera Etcetera di Manhattan, si terrà la quarta edizione del Puglia's Italy Award of Excellence in America". Il Puglia Center of America award è riconosciuto a personalità nate od originarie della Puglia, che attraverso la loro carriera hanno...

di Filomena Fuduli Sorrentino   We have a challenge in front of us: That of keeping our Italian culture alive in American schools. Is it possible? Yes!- Natalia Quintavalle, Consul General of Italy. (Abbiamo una sfida di fronte a noi: Quello di mantenere la nostra cultura italiana viva nelle scuole americane. È possibile? Sì! – Natalia Quint...

E dopo le elezioni Luigi de Magistris vola a New York. Si tratta di una missione istituzionale che lo vedrà impegnato dal 3 al 9 giugno. Fitta l'agenda di appuntamenti, tra i più significativi la conferenza su emigrazione Napoli - New York: Città a confronto, moderata da Anthony Tamburri, preside del John D. Calandra Italian American Institute, is...

A poignant personal account from a child of Calabrian peasants whose lifelong study of Italy unveils the mysteries of this Bel Paese, "Beautiful Land," where artistic genius and political corruption have gone hand in hand from the time of Michelangelo to The Sopranos. The child of Italian immigrants Luzzi straddles these two perspectives to link hi...

JOIN USOpening Poster ExhibitionITALIAN HERITAGE & CULTURE COMMITTEE OF NEW YORK, INC.CELEBRATES ANNUAL THEMETUESDAY, March 12, 2013 at 7pmCalandra Institute of CUNY, at25 West 43rd Street, 17th FlrNew York, NY The President/Chair and Board of Directors of the IHCC-NY, Inc. have announced the first in a series of events for 2013: Year of Itali...

È il simbolo di tutte le madri di ogni nazionalità che hanno mandato i loro figli in una nazione di immigrati e qui ieri, ai piedi del poderoso monumento intitolato "Mother Italy" nella Upper East Side si è svolta la consueta cerimonia che ha visto come ospite speciale il vice console generale Laura Aghilarre. L'annuale tributo alle madri è organi...

IASA is pleased to announce the results of its 2013 Executive Council election. Congratulations to Dr. Chiara Mazzuchelli, Dr. John Paul Russo and Dr. Anthony Tamburri on their reelections, and congratulations to Jessica Femiani and Joey Nicoletti on their election to a first term as Council members.   You can view the complete Council Roste...