I "bilancini" si ritrovano a Brooklyn per celebrarsi: Ago Magochef (Giuseppe Agostaro) e Leopoldo Mucci, entrambi nati nel segno della bilancia, anche quest'anno hanno organizzato "The Libra Party" per festeggiare gli "anta" di Ago e Leopoldo e di tutti i nati sotto il segno della bilancia che frequentano da 19 anni il Caffè Taci. La cena è stata r...
READ MOREIASA menber Jerome Krase reports on "Seeing Brooklyn Change": A Call for Student Researchers, Photographers, and Videographers: More than 30 years ago, Brooklyn College students, under my direction, created an exhibit that photographically documented life in the borough's Italian American neighborhoods. It was the centerpiece of a conference and al...
READ MOREdi Mariagrazia De Luca Scendo alla fermata Nostrand della metro A, nel quartiere di Bud-Stuy, Brooklyn, per andare a trovare G nel suo studio di registrazione. Gianni Fontana, conosciuto dai suoi artisti hip hop come G, è un ragazzo italiano che da 10 anni lavora nel profondo Brooklyn registrando e producendo oltre 1000 artisti locali e nazionali....
READ MOREImagine years of discrimination, without hope of being recognized of being worthy of any respect, possibly far from your family left in your homeland, working two or even three jobs, living in very poor conditions. Then, imagine a moment of pride, a glimpse of revenge, a situation where not only your people are respected, but one of them is hero, a...
READ MOREThe Diocese of Brooklyn quietly filed plans on June 14 to go ahead with a "full demolition" of the historic, century-old Old Lady of Loreto Church at 126 Sackman St., city records show. Back in 2010, a similar plan to demolish the out-of-use church and replace it with an affordable-housing complex was met with a diverse parade of local opposit...
READ MORENEW YORK - «Nei suoi ottant'anni di vita, la chiesa di Santa Fortunata ha ospitato quattro grandi flussi migratori: prima gli anglosassoni, poi gli italiani e, negli ultimi trent'anni, gli spagnoli e gli afro-americani. Per ogni gruppo posso ricordare innumerevoli casi di discriminazione: dall'essere rifiutati in chiesa perché non parlavano l'ingle...
READ MOREHe has been called the "Michelangelo of Pizza" by Vogue magazine. Anthony Bourdain encouraged people to abandon their children in order to come to Rome to sample his pizza. He is Gabriele Bonci, and he is the chef and owner of Rome's fabled Pizzarium. Mr. Bonci recently made a rare trip to New York City to celebrate the U.S. release of his...
READ MOREChocolatto® thick Italian hot chocolate is Italy's best kept secret! Thick, between a mousse and a pudding, eaten with a demitasse spoon in true Italian fashion. Dolce Vite Chocolatto® is velvety smooth, creamy bittersweet chocolate made in Italy with the finest ingredients. Widely touted as an aphrodisiac & medicinal, thick chocolate was the h...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #75 2016 January 18Author : Vittorio Bocchi Translation by: As the book "L'Altro ItaloAmericano – La straordinaria storia di Vincenzo James Capone – Two-Gun il fratello di Al Capone" was published in Italy, it raised a lot of interest. It is a small and simple book, which presents for the first time to the Italian reader...
READ MOREBy Cav. John Napoli As part of our yearlong tricentennial celebration of the birth of HRH King Carlo di Borbone (1716-1788) we decided to bring back our semipublic Battle of Bitonto Commemoration, a celebration of faith, culture and history. In the past we had trouble locking down commitments from participants or finding a suitable place...