The Columbus Citizens Foundation, located in the Upper East Side of Manhattan, is proud to be in another annual cycle of its acclaimed Scholarship Program.  Since its inception, the Foundation has been a proud supporter of Italian-American education and culture, and established its robust Scholarship Program in 1992 to increase educational opportun...

La lingua Italiana sta perdendo studenti. Il 20% in meno, stando al rapporto stilato dalla Modern Languages Association. La colpa è sempre ed esclusivamente degli insegnanti? O, più realisticamente, è cambiata la situazione globale e nuovi concorrenti si sono affacciati nelle aule delle università americane (nello stesso documento della MLA,infatti...

The success of a partnership between Prospect High School and an olive oil company in Italy is causing officials at Township High School District 214 to consider offering more international internship programs to students. District 214 Superintendent David Schuler recently said additional international internships, which are currently just offered...

The Association of Italian American Educators (AIAE) sponsored a Continuing Education Certificate Workshop entitled “The Art and Technique of Filmmaking” held at Hofstra University, with instructor Prof. Carlo Mignano. The 23 workshop attendees participated in an eye-opening presentation that changed the way they look at movies, and will change the...

Everyone is welcome again to indulge in some gelato, learn some Italian, or just have a few laughs at the CSI club Viva L’Italiano on Thursday afternoons.   President of the club Viva L’Italiano of CSI, Samantha Massey, plans to resurrect this club from once being canceled, to a growing and active club. “We want to create a better awareness for the...

Cercansi insegnanti di italiano LS per bambini e adulti per un nuovo piccolo centro di lingua e cultura italiana in zona Chelsea. Il candidato deve già essere a NYC e con permesso di lavoro. Non sponsorizzamo nè visti nè stage. Ditals preferibile e esperienza di minimo 4 anni. Madrelingua italiana solamente con studi in Italia preferibilmente in le...

Sam Apuzzo is at her best when she feels comfortable, yet she’s having her best season when she’s been made somewhat uncomfortable. This year, the quiet Boston College junior attacker was asked by head coach Acacia Walker-Weinstein to transform into a more vocal leader. “Coming in this year, I’m not going to lie, I’m pretty shy and pretty soft-spok...

Il 9 aprile a Siracusa si terranno le prime selezioni siciliane di College Life Italia, società che aiuta giovani atleti italiani a studiare negli Usa tramite borse di studio nello sport. Appuntamento allo stadio De Simone dalle 14, ma solo per chi si registra. “Una grande opportunità per conseguire la Laurea, continuando la carriera sportiva – dic...

As Italian-Americans and part of the Italian Studies program at Lafayette, Marissa Bocchiaro ’20 and Adrianna DiMarco ’20 founded the Italian club to bring the richness of Italian culture to campus. Music professor and Italian Studies program coordinator Anthony Cummings is the official faculty adviser for the club. Cummings said that there are a l...

Native-speaking Italian instructor to teach all levels of Italian to all ages from mid-September through mid-December, 2018 or full academic year. This is a part-time position at a growing and innovative nonprofit language school located for over thirty years in Rockland, Maine in the northeast corner of the United States.   Compensation will be ar...