A course entitled "Origini Italia", has been promoted by the ITA (Italian Trade Agency) in Rome and also by MIB (School of Management) based in Trieste. The course is for young men and women who already have a university degree or diploma, preferably with a few years of industry experience, interested in learning more about entrepreneurial and man...

L'emigrazione friulana sarà documentata in un libro: è l'annunciato dato nei giorni scorsi a Philadelphia, dove si è svolto un incontro con il segretariato Efasce della città, e Michele Bernardon dell'Efasce di Pordenone. Fra le varie iniziative annunciate quella del gruppo di lavoro, costituito da circa un anno, che sta raccogliendo materiali (do...

After working in the mines of Pennsylvania, Colorado and Mercur, Utah, at the turn of the century, Italian immigrant Antonio Ferro opened a small market at 562 W. 200 South in Salt Lake City, married his sweetheart, Giovannina Calfa, and found his true calling.   In 1906, the young entrepreneur managed — owned and incorporated — the Western...

In una ormai famosa relazione dell'Ispettorato per l’immigrazione del Congresso americano, datata ottobre 1912, sul tema specifico dell‘immigrazione italiana, i nostri connazionali sono descritti “piccoli di statura e di pelle scura” vengono definiti, “poco amanti dell‘acqua e della pulizia, dunque maleodoranti”.   “Vivono in baracche o in a...

by Joseph Francis Michael Moscaritolo   When my grandfather, Guiseppe Moscaritolo came to this country from Italy, he brought his fork along with him. He insisted on eating with the same fork at every meal. His place was always set at the head of the table and my grandmother would always place this same fork next to his dish. In all of...

by Cookie Curci   The early settlers of our Santa Clara Valley have left their mark on our area's cultural history and, in many cases, their names as well. Whether it be inventions, commerce or agriculture, these early contributors to our valley have been honored by the city with streets bearing their surnames. Willow Glen's Coe Avenue is n...

Grande interessa ha suscitato ieri a Sant'Anna Pelago l'anteprima dei video del recente viaggio-reportage di Paolo Battaglia "Italian American Country": 35 giorni negli Stati Uniti per intervistare gli italoamericani discendenti di coloro che sono emigrati ad inizio '900 per trovare fortuna.   Tanti sono quelli che hanno fatto rotta sull'Ame...

I'm starting to see a pattern, a wonderful, very interesting pattern, in discovering that very often behind a cultural organization that celebrates Italy somewhere in the US, there's a force of nature embodied by an American woman of Italian heritage, proud of being both Italian and American. Italian American women have always been celebrated less...

WTI Magazine #5    2013 Nov, 15 Author : Paolo Battaglia      Translation by:   November 11, 1974 - Birth of Leonardo DiCaprioLeonardo DiCaprio, the movie idol from many blockbusters like "Titanic", "The Aviator", "Django Unchained", was born in Los Angeles to Irmelin and George DiCaprio. His father was a fourth gen...

Join the Greater New York regional network for a guided tour of Ellis Island that will highlight the poignant experience of the 5.5 million Italians who left the "old country" for a new life in America.   Led by Tom Bernardin, former Ellis Island tour guide for the National Park Service and author/publisher of The Ellis Island Immigrant Cook...