The waiter in the Florence restaurant had a look of disgust when asked by the American patron, the grandson of Sicilian emigrants, about a certain dish familiar to him via his grandparents. "That's the South," the waiter said, disdain dripping from his lips.   And that seems to be the theme of Joseph Luzzi's decipher of a country with two d...

Il tesoro storico del giudice della Corte Suprema Dominic Massaro contenente oltre mezzo secolo di esperienza italiamericana, donato al Immigration History Research Center della University of Minnesota adesso può essere consultato da studiosi e studenti con un semplice click.   Il giudice Massaro, uno di una dozzina di americani di discenden...

di Filomena Fuduli Sorrentino Avete idea di cosa si prova a partire per un paese straniero e sconosciuto, con pochi soldi, senza conoscere la lingua e la cultura, dicendo addio alla famiglia, agli amici, e lasciando dietro di se la propria casa e l'Italia? E' difficile sapere che cosa si prova se non si affrontano simili esperienze. Eppure, milion...

When I was 21, back in the mid-1990s, I remember going to a farewell party for a young woman who was leaving Italy to work toward a Ph.D. in Canada. After a few years of struggling with the nepotism and lack of opportunities in Italian academia, she professed her wish to never come back to Italy “except for holidays.” That was the first time I witn...

di Liliana Rosano   Giovani, ambiziosi e con la voglia di lasciare il segno. Hanno una formazione internazionale, radici italiane e almeno due passaporti che gli hanno permesso di conquistare il Nuovo Mondo. Ma non chiamateli "cervelli in fuga".   Sono gli italiani che "controllano" l'arte americana, a New York come a Chicago. L'Ameri...

Help us complete the documentary. Premieres: November 14th, 2015 - New York. Fundraising deadline: October 15th, 2015   "The Barese Icemen of New York" follows the story of the Apulia (Italy) emigrants who landed in the United State with nothing, and yet from the 1920's to the 1960's, these people dominated the ice business in...

Valsinni- Italia, terra di emigranti. Presentato a Valsinni il nuovo saggio storico di Raffaele Pinto: "La Gente di Mulberry street. Storia e storie dell'emigrazione meridionale negli Stati Uniti".   Sabato scorso, nella sala convegni del castello dei Morra, a partire dalle ore 17.30, si è parlato di emigrazione, richiamando un fenomeno non...

The role that immigrant and first generation Italian women played in the workforce before 1960 is not well-documented. Aside from such dramatic and tragic stories such as the Triangle Shirtwaist fire, immigrant women and their daughters have not been given sufficient credit for their role in America's factories and canneries.   Less known, a...

By Brian Spyros   The Front Street that exists in Hartford now is in stark contrast to what it was more than 100 years ago. "I'm a sentimentalist. I like the old style, the old times," said Paul Margolfo, who grew up in an Italian-American family not far from Front Street. He was one of many people who called the capital city home. &nb...

Italy has been the eternal birthplace of empires intent on conquest. Ancient Rome was a great world empire and had a profound influence on all those who flowed in her wake — just think in terms of architecture, government, and language. But what many people don't know is just how many countries Italy has actually invaded?   Since the Romans,...