At the helm of the world's currently top-rated restaurant, Osteria Francescana in Modena, Italy, is Massimo Bottura, a recognizable face and personality from Chef's Table and Aziz Ansari's Master of None. Eating at Bottura's small, highly sought after restaurant can be close to impossible, but you even without achieving a top chef status, you can s...

Bolognese . . . Sauce or Dog? The answer is: both! But let’s first explore the city of Bologna, home of both the legendary pasta sauce and noble breed of dog. All too often overlooked on the basic Italian tourist itinerary: a buzzing prosperous city renowned as the gastronomic center of Italy and capital of the Emilia-Romagna. It has an opulent fee...

Una gestione sobria del bilancio, una borsa di studio per favorire il rientro in Italia degli emigrati e un aiuto da inviare al Venezuela. Gian Luigi Molinari, presidente della Consulta degli emiliano-romagnoli nel mondo, apre con tre notizie il convegno “L’emigrazione emiliano-romagnola tra passato e presente” che si è tenuto in Assemblea legislat...

While Italy might be famed for its art, history and food, it is also home to some of the creepiest tourist attractions on Earth, meaning you can celebrate this Halloween by visiting Mussolini's bunker or marvelling at a severed finger. Dark tourism is not a new phenomenon. Medieval pilgrims walked countless miles to visit the tombs of saints and gr...

"I miei nonni vengono tutti dall’Italia, sono emigrati tra il 1903 e il 1910. Entrambi i miei genitori, invece, sono nati negli Stati Uniti, quindi io sono cresciuto in una famiglia italo americana, molto numerosa per altro, e sono cresciuto ascoltando le storie che mi raccontavano i nonni, mia mamma o gli zii. Alla fine sono diventato uno storytel...

Taste and journey through Central Italy’s regions of Abruzzo, Tuscany, Umbria, Le Marche and Emilia Romagna. Seminar style wine tasting expertly lead by Nikki Erpelding, sampling the wines of the esteemed Leonardo LoCascio Italian wine portfolio. The tasting will be on Thursday, November 8th, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM, at North Loop Wine and Spirits' beaut...

“The magnificent 12th-century cathedral at Modena, the work of two great artists (Lanfranco and Wiligelmus), is a supreme example of early Romanesque art. With its piazza and soaring tower, it testifies to the faith of its builders and the power of the Canossa dynasty who commissioned it.” Thus Unesco describes the complex of Modena’s Cathedral, To...

In corsa alle midterm Usa del 6 novembre, per il Senato dello Stato di New York, c'è una candidata italiana al 98,9%: Alessandra Biaggi. Democratica, 33 anni, è uno dei volti che vogliono rivoluzionare il partito dell'asinello americano, assieme alla 27enne Julia Salazar e alla portoricana Ocasio-Ortez. Tutte e tre hanno vinto le primarie interne i...

Just north of the Apennine Mountains in Italy sits the country’s Food Valley, the Emilia-Romagna region. The region stretches from the mountains north to the Po River, east to Ravenna, and west just past Parma, with Bologna as its capital. Inside its borders, locals celebrate a rich cultural food heritage. Emilia-Romagna boasts 44 PDO (Protected De...

In the area of Valtaro and Valmagra, mushroom picking is a custom that has been passed on for many centuries. Borgo Val di Taro and its valleys became famous all over the world for their porcino mushroom in the late nineteenth century, when many emigrants took this product with them and word spread on the other side of the Atlantic.