Friday, April 10, 2020. 5.30 pm - 6.30 pm. 45 minutes lecture, 15 minutes Q & A. The webinar will take place online through Google Hangouts. The webinar is $10 for all Filitalia members and non members. Space is limited, only 15 seats available. RSVP is required, so please reserve your ticket online. REGISTER NOW Join Angela Cacciarru, Ph.D. and le...

Wednesday, February 26, 2020. 9 am - 11 am Light Breakfast (coffee & cookies), Networking, and Presentation. History of the Italian Immigration Museum - 1834 E. Passyunk Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, 19148. The event is $10 for all Filitalia members and $15 for non members. RSVP is required (limited seating), so please reserve your ticket online. Join...

Friday, February 7, 2020. 5.30 pm - 7 pm. Light Snack (coffee & cookies), Networking, and Presentation. History of the Italian Immigration Museum. 1834 E. Passyunk Avenue, Philadelphia, PA, 19148. The event is $15 for all Filitalia members and $20 for non members. RSVP is required, so please reserve your ticket online. Join Angela Cacciarru and see...

Sunday January 12 from 14:00 to 16:00 EST. History of Italian Immigration Museum, 1834 East Passyunk Avenue, 19148 Philadelfia PA. Get your tickets here. Join Angela Cacciarru and learn how to travel in Italy from a unique perspective. Discover new places in which you become immersed in the colors and scents of the hills and the valleys that your a...

Filitalia International & Foundation (FI&F) is seeking a museum volunteer / Intern to assist document, maintain, & exhibit for the History of Italian Immigration Museum (HIIM), located on the historical Passyunk Avenue & Mifflin Triangle at 1834 East Passyunk Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19148. Interns will lead the project from start to finish, utilizi...

Dear All! We at Filitalia International & the History of Italian Immigration Museum would love to showcase the amazing work that Scuolaimpresa filmed, helped release, & performed during their stay. This is a video of YOUR museum in the heart of South Philadelphia; a place where your hertitage can be preserved & visited with your help! Please, if yo...

Si svolgerà domani, 6 dicembre, alle ore 10.30, ora esatta del disastro minerario di Monongah, cittadina del West Virginia, Stati Uniti, l’evento “Monongah: per non dimenticare”, che si svolgerà a Frosolone, in Molise, presso l’Istituto comprensivo “G.A. Colozza” in corso Vittorio Emanuele III n. 70, organizzato dall’Associazione Monongah, Filitali...

THE FABLES OF LEONARDO. Sperimentazioni, frammenti e visioni del grande genio creativo. Racconti scritti ed interpretati da Angelo Aiello & Rachel Icenogle. Musiche: Antonello Di Matteo & Rachel Icenogle. 25 Ottobre, 2019 - ore 16-17 (primo tempo), 17-18 (secondo tempo), 18-19 (terzo tempo). History of Italian Immigration Museum, 1834 East Passyunk...

Lunedì scorso, 19 agosto, presso il Gran Caffè L’Aquila di Filadelfia, negli Stati Uniti, si è tenuta una riunione informale cui hanno partecipato Fucsia Nissoli, deputato al Parlamento italiano, Pier Attinio Forlano, console generale d’Italia a Filadelfia, e Luigi Patitucci, presidente del Comitato degli Italiani all’Estero (Comites). I tre espone...

Filitalia International & Foundation (FI&F) is seeking a museum volunteer / Intern to assist document, maintain, & exhibit for the History of Italian Immigration Museum (HIIM), located on the historical Passyunk Avenue & Mifflin Triangle at 1834 East Passyunk Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19148. Interns will lead the project from start to finish, utilizi...