Sarà operativo dal prossimo 1° maggio il visto per la categoria "startuppers" dedicato ai cittadini stranieri che intendono costituire in Italia imprese "start up" innovative nei settori ad alto contenuto tecnologico. Il nuovo visto si rivolge agli imprenditori qualificati che intendono sviluppare, produrre e commercializzare prodotti o se...
READ MOREby Bianca Dellepiane In Italy, according to a report of the Ministry of Economic Development, the number of startups is increasing. They now account for about one-fifth of all companies involved in R&D, amounting to almost 5,500 companies. The majority of them are located in Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, and Latium. With startups growth the...
READ MOREby Laura Cavestri The Italian government plans to keep fighting for "Made In" labelling. As the Vice Minister for Economic Development Carlo Calenda (who also oversees international trade) has explained: it's yes to a "Made In" limited to five sectors - ceramics, footwear and textile-clothing as proposed by the EU Commission, but also incl...
READ MOREby Carmine Fotina Italy's Industry Minister Federica Guidi signed the implementation guidelines on Thursday necessary to unlock €260 million of public funding resources available in 2015 to promote "Made in Italy" products. The amount is six times as much as the average annual budget of the past five years. The plan, which now must be...
READ MOREBy Maurita Cardone Prosegue il programma dell'Agenzia ICE (Italian Trade Agency) per l'accompagnamento delle aziende italiane nell'ingresso nel mercato americano. Lanciato lo scorso autunno dal vice ministro dello Sviluppo Economico, Carlo Calenda, il programma nasce con l'intenzione di aprire nuovi spazi di mercato su territori americani ancora p...
READ MOREdi Luca Clemente Promuovere le buone pratiche del mondo dell'industria, e fornire supporto concreto ad alcune nascenti realtà imprenditoriali italiane. Questi gli scopi principali del premio Best Practices 2013, presentato ieri nella sede di Confindustria Salerno dal presidente Mauro Maccauro e dal responsabile del gruppo Servizi Innovativ...
READ MOREIl Ministero delle Politiche Agricole Alimentari e Forestali e quello dello Sviluppo Economico hanno lanciato un marchio unitario che certifica i prodotti agroalimentari italiani di qualità distribuiti all'estero. Il logo riporta le parole "The Extraordinary Italian Taste" sullo sfondo di un tricolore italiano con tre onde che richiamano il concett...
READ MOREThe Italian Ministry for Economic Development released some exciting news recently that will further catalyze the innovative startup stew that is bubbling in Italy. Foreign nationals in Italy can now apply for the permesso di soggiorno, the document required to be obtained to stay in Italy, specifically within the new category of "innovati...
READ MOREby Laura Cavestri The Italian Ministry of Economic Development said its year-long series of "Roadshow for SMEs internationalization" proves that trade groups can work together to help small- and medium-sized companies increase their exports. This year, 3113 businesses took part in the 12-meeting series of "roadshows" – the first s...
READ MOREThe United States are a key export market for Italian companies, as emphasized also by the recent plan to promote Made in Italy launched by Italy's Industry Minister Federica Guidi, that devotes 30% of total resources outside Italy to the US market. Several platforms already exist or are about to be launched to help Italian companies expan...