La festa di mezza estate per eccellenza in Italia, ovvero il Ferragosto, ha portato a San Francisco un'ospite davvero speciale direttamente dalle strade della città di Napoli.   Il Museo Italo Americano ha ospitato per due indimenticabili appuntamenti musicali Alfredo Imparato, definito da un noto giornalista di Napoli "uno degli ultimi mene...

When: Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 6:30PMWhere: Museo Italo-Americano, Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., Building C, San Francisco, CA 94123 MEN OF THE CLOTH is an inspiring portrait of three humble and accomplished Italian master tailors whose work exudes elegance and style. The film gives us a window into the past, present and future of c...

Thursday, November 12 at 6:30pm. Museo Italo Americano - Fort Mason Center - 2 Marina Blvd., Building C - San Francisco, CA 94123 The celebrated film director Frank Capra, a native of Sicily, was always insecure about how much he belonged in America. During that less enlightened time of the early 1900s when he grew up in Los An...

Don't miss the "Italian Matters Because..." event this Saturday at 4:00 PM at the Museo Italo Americano. Professors, lecturers and technologists will come together and show how learning la dolce lingua can change your life and your career, as well as expand on the larger significance of multilingual literacy in our modern world. But, that's not al...

When most people think of Italian art, their minds jump to old masters like Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo. But the Museo ItaloAmericano at Fort Mason is entirely focused on contemporary works by Italian and Italian-American artists, many of them currently active. The museum is the only true Italian-American museum in the country,...

Time: September 18, 2015 to March 6, 2016Location: Museo Italo Americano - Fort Mason Center -  2 Marina Blvd., Building C - San Francisco, CA 94123Italian American Cinema: From Capra to the Coppolas, an original, documentary exhibit by the Museo Italo Americano, written by Joseph McBride, will be on exhibit at the Museo from September 18...

Luciano Ligabue has always claimed to have a truly unique audience. Not only "beautiful", nor even just "different" from all the others, but really "particular"; a public whose story deserves to be told. Emanuela Papini rises to the challenge with a book which began as a testimony to the reciprocal love and gratitude between the singer-songwriter...

When: Sunday, September 11, 2016 4:30PMWhere: Italian American Museum of San Francisco, Fort Mason Center, 2 Marina Blvd., Building C, San Francisco, CA 94123 Illustrated lecture by Professor Murray Baumgarten, distinguished Emeritus professor of English and Comparative Literature at UC Santa Cruz and Consigliere, Venice Center for Inter...

Ponte verso l'integrazione, ma anche modo di essere orgogliosi delle proprie origini Da venerdì 22 giugno il Museo Italo Americano di San Francisco ospiterà una mostra che documenta il contributo dato dagli Italiani d'America al passatempo preferito degli Americani. La mostra ha lo scopo di mettere in luce le caratteristiche che hanno permesso a...

Museo Italo Americano. Fort Mason Center - 2 Marina Blvd., Building C - San Francisco, CA 94123. Sunday, November 1 at 4:30pm. The San Francisco Renaissance Voices will perform Viva Italia, a concert of Italian Renaissance music. Come and enjoy a special, fascinating and rare concert featuring Missa Nasce la Gioia by Palest...