In 1990 in an article that appeared in The Atlantic, a magazine of American politics and economics, the American political scientist Joseph Nye invented the term Soft power. The concept, taken up and expanded later by the same author in a best seller with the same title, was opposed to the American hard power, based on the idea that the national af...
READ MORECulture is one of Italy’s strong points. According to some surveys, such as the one conducted last year by the US News magazine together with the University of Pennsylvania, it is even the first country in the world for its cultural influence. A primacy linked not only to cultural production and historical heritage but also to our ability to transm...
READ MOREEnvironmental challenges point to new opportunities that, thanks also to Italian manufacturing traditions, are within our country's grasp: the circular economy is one of the most exciting and promising of these opportunities. Italy – poor in natural resources – has always striven to make more efficient, intelligent and innovative use of materials,...
READ MOREThe green economy is a formidable factor of competitiveness and has been, in these difficult years, the best response to the crisis, a road that looks ahead and faces the challenges of the future by crossing the deep nature of our economy: the drive for quality and beauty, social cohesion, natural allies of the efficient use of energy and matter, i...
READ MORECulture is one of the driving forces of the Italian economy, one of the factors that fuel the quality and competitiveness of Made in Italy. The Cultural and Creative Production System, made by enterprises, public administrations and non-profit, generated 89,9 billion euro and initiates other sectors of the economy, moving all considered 250 billion...
READ MORETo revive the economy and meet the world challenges we have to look to our strengths, while never forgetting our ancient problems and those of today. We can start from an Italy that looks confidently to the future because it does not deny its soul.
READ MOREWTI Magazine #78 2016 April 15Author : Symbola + Federlegno Translation by: Beside the analysis of the numbers, the search "Made in Italy lives the future" by FederlegnoArredo and Symbola Foundation has analyzed over 30 experiences of enterprise related to 10 key points regarding the circular economy: Eco-Design, Durability, Disassembly...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #51 2015 January, 9Author : Umberto Mucci Translation by: Fondazione Symbola (, an Italian think tank born to enhance and promote Italian quality, has published in these very days a report called "L'Italia in 10 selfie" (Italy in 10 selfies). The report is exactly what we need to start this 2015 with hope...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #65 2015 July, 24Author : Fondazione Symbola, Unioncamere, Fondazione Edison Translation by: There is an Italy which we often do not know that does things every Italian should be proud of. The Rapporto I.T.A.L.I.A. - Geographies of the new made in Italy edited by Fondazione Symbola, Unioncamere and Fondazione Edison was...
READ MOREWTI Magazine #81 2016 July 15Author : Fondazione Symbola Translation by: The crisis, which finally seems to loosen its grip on the country, has left us a legacy made not only of suffering but also of awareness: it has taught us that in the global world of the twenty-first century we must be able to deal with change, whether it's shoc...