Zoppé: An Italian Family Circus is returning to Tucson for a 14th year with "old-world" acts to grace their big top in the MSA Annex from Friday, Jan. 10 to Sunday, Jan. 26. "The most important thing to know about our show is that it is an intimate family experience," circus co-director Jeanette Prince-Zoppé told the Tucson Sentinel. "Of course it'...

For Giovanni Zoppé and his family, circus performance is about connecting with the audience. He and his fellow performers try to engage with the audience, from the time they enter to when they leave the tent. The Zoppé Family Circus will return to Tucson to the Mercado District from Friday, Jan. 5, to Sunday, Jan. 21.  The circus isn’t meant to be...

December 1-11, 2023 - Showtimes vary by date. Monterey County Fairgrounds, 2004 Fairground Road, Monterey, CA. More info here. "Carnavale di Venezia: 2023 – 2024 theme. Circus connecting with Commedia, the oldest two performance artworks. Embodied in the heart of Italian performance, Venetian Carnaval. "The Zoppé Family Circus welcomes guests into...

Escape back in time with Zoppé - Italian Family Circus. Join us as we present Carnevale di Venezia at the Elk Grove Park (9950 Elk Grove Florin Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95624). Experience 178 years of family tradition happening daily in our home, The Big Top. We invite you to experience a suspension of the modern world for two hours and leave with joy, in...

The circus is back in town – a Grand County tradition, Zoppé: an Italian Family Circus will perform in Fraser this summer, capturing the imagination of young and old alike. Families can step inside an enormous blue-and-white Big Top tent adorned with international flags representing the homes of the performers inside from July 21-31. Attendees can...

Zoppé, an Italian Family Circus, is scheduled to perform a series of shows on the grounds of the Largo Central Park Performing Arts Center this weekend. The shows, which will feature dog acts, traditional Italian equestrian routines and classic circus clowning, run from Thursday, March 16, through Sunday, March 19, with two shows each day plus thre...

The spring season at the Dennis C. Moss Cultural Arts Center in Cutler Bay(FL) comes to life this coming weekend with a series of breathtaking performances by Zoppé: An Italian Family Circus on March 3 at 7 p.m.; March 4 at 1 p.m., 4 p.m., and 7 p.m.; and March 5 at 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. on the Backyard Concert Lawn.  Heralded as refreshingly intimate...

The world famous Zoppe Family Circus is returning to the Valley on Friday at Bell Bank Park to honor an old-world Italian circus tradition in Mesa, AZ. The event begins at 6 p.m. on Friday and continues through the holiday season until Jan. 1. Liberta Zoppe will put guests into a 500-seat tent for a show that will star Nino the Clown and a circus w...

The Piccolo Zoppe Italian Family Circus has returned to Hot Springs (AR) for the first time in years. The 180-year-old European-style circus runs until Sunday near the entrance to Hot Springs Memorial Field. "No audience member is more than 18 feet from the actual circus ring," Tosca Zoppe, the circus' equestrian, said. "The horses galloping by --...

It’s a day off for the circus, so Giovanni Zoppé and his partner, Jeanette Prince, perform a juggling act more relatable to the rest of us. There is laundry to be done, kids to be tended to and tea to be made, all from the confines of a home that feels a few sizes too small. They are here, inside a trailer planted on a Redwood City parking lot, for...