NEWS FROM : Business & Lifestyle  

Furia Rubel Communications, Inc., an award-winning integrated and strategic marketing and public relations agency, is pleased to announce that President and CEO Gina Furia Rubel, Esq., has been elected secretary and treasurer of The Justinian Foundation, an affiliate of The Justinian Society of Philadelphia of which Rubel is a past chancellor and h...

Elevato contenuto di innovazione, tecnologia superiore alla media dell'offerta internazionale di settore, adeguato rapporto qualità-prezzo: sono questi alcuni degli aspetti che le aziende manifatturiere dei paesi NAFTA coinvolte nell'indagine "Machines Italia Awareness Survey NAFTA 2012", riconoscono ai beni strumentali Made in Italy. L'indagine,...

You are cordially invited to participate in a roundtable discussion to introduce our professional group, Comunità Scientifica Italiana - Miami, on the occasion of the visit to Miami of His Excellency Claudio Bisogniero, Ambassador of Italy to the United States, Wednesday May 9th 2013 1:15pm to 3:45pm, at the Diabetes Research Institute, Univer...

by Bonnie L. Cook   Walter Fontanella, 83, and the love of his life, Tomasina Fontanella, 85, died 10 days apart after a happy 58-year marriage. The couple lived in Havertown for many years. Mr. Fontanella had long been ill with cancer when he died Saturday, Jan. 16, at Vitas Hospice at Jefferson Methodist Hospital.   Mrs. Fontan...

by Mauro Battocchi   A successful ratification of a Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership is possible in the next few years: an agreement that would effectively liberalize a third of global trade and further strengthen the political and economic cooperation between the two largest trading blocks on the planet.   In Europe, t...

Dal 20 al 27 ottobre 2013 la Camera di Commercio Italo americana della Greater Philadelphia - IACCGP - organizzerà a Philadelphia una missione esplorativa imprenditoriale e commerciale.   La missione è rivolta a tutte le imprese italiane interessate ad avviare o rafforzare rapporti economici con le imprese locali della Greater Philadelphia,...

In 2014 the Maserati Owners National Meet at Le Belle Macchine - Pocono will celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Maserati. For the past 28 years the Maserati Owners National Meet has become renowned as the Premier event for Historic Maseratis in North America. Notable features have included the largest display of the legendary 450S' in ove...

L'Ambasciata d'Italia a Washington ha indetto in data 13 agosto la procedura di selezione per l'assunzione di un'unita' di personale a contratto da adibire ai servizi di assistente amministrativo nel settore segreteria-archivio-contabilita'.   Le domande di partecipazione alle prove di selezione dovranno essere presentate entro e non oltre l...

Wednesday, July 23, 2014 - 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Hyatt at the Bellevue, 19th Floor - Broad and Walnut Streets - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania IACCGP Members: $55, Non-Members: $75 REGISTER NOW   

What began as a hobby in "Dad's" spare room has grown into a successful family business over the past ten years. Today, CHi Signs & Designs, Inc., located in Oakmont, has become one of the Pittsburgh region's best printing and marketing shops. The CHi team includes CEO and founder, Chuck "Dad" DeSabato; his son Seth DeSabato, president and desi...

Nonostante il rallentamento della domanda internazionale, l'export rappresenta ancora oltre la metà del fatturato delle imprese dei distretti: a questi "campioni dell'Italian Style" fa riferimento ancora oggi più di un quarto delle vendite estere di tutto il sistema Paese. Malgrado le difficoltà, infatti, queste realtà produttive portano a casa un...

High Construction Company today announced that it was selected as the design-builder for a new processing facility for Citterio USA.   Citterio USA is a wholly owned subsidiary of Giuseppe CITTERIO Salumificio, SpA of Milano, Italy--one of the oldest and largest family owned businesses in the Italian Specialty Meat Sector.   Read more...