This Italian blacksmith had a shop on Vernon Blvd.

Jun 01, 2019 662

BY: Ron Marzlock

Dominick Causarano was born on Dec. 9, 1883 in Monte Sant’Angelo, Italy. He immigrated to America in 1907 with the skills of a blacksmith. Although the then-new invention of the automobile would help drive the profession’s decline, Causarano did well. He opened up a shop on Vernon Boulevard in Long Island City. He married Madeline Renzalli and they had five children; Josephine, John, Michael, Lena and Ralph.

His business thrived and grew. First-born son John went on to work at the shop, leaving high school after only three years. When he enlisted during World War II at Camp Upton in Yaphank, LI, his talent as a skilled blacksmith, forgeman and hammerman was in high demand.


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