Vendemmia Wine Festival in South Phialdelphia

Aug 26, 2023 520

Sunday September 24, 2pm-6pm. Girard Park, South Philadelphia (21st & Porter Streets). There was a time in South Philly when life was simple; people enjoyed each other’s company. Families would brag about who made the best wines and then share it. They would bring out their best dishes, “Madonna!” And we’d all feast, and the music, always the music. That’s the Idea behind the Vendemmia Foundation.

For 20 years we’ve tried to capture our Italian heritage and spirit and keep tradition alive. Each year, local and sometimes even regional homemade winemakers enter the Vendemmia competition in any of a dozen categories including among red and white wines. This is a serious competition that has evolved under the auspices of Dr. Jerry Vernose (founder of the festival), Joe Fiola (from the University of Maryland) and competition coordinator, Vince Novello.

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