Florentine weekend

Sep 13, 2013 1895

Every two years, The Friends of the Uffizi Gallery organize the Florentine Weekend, a weekend of VIP, art-focused activities at the Uffizi Gallery and in nearby locations throughout the City of Florence. This is an exclusive, invitation-only and behind-the-scenes tour of one of the world's most prestigious museums and the surrounding cultural community. The event is open to Botticelli, Michelangelo and Leonardo members of the Friends of the Uffizi Gallery whose gracious donations have contributed to the restoration of historic and irreplaceable works of Renaissance and Baroque art within the Uffizi Gallery.

Please click here to learn how to join Friends of the Uffizi Gallery.

The activities on previous weekends have included private tours of Italian fashion houses and wineries, as well as private luncheons in breathtaking villas overlooking the magical and enticing countryside of Tuscany with its sweeping hills and sublime vistas.

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Source: http://www.friendsoftheuffizigallery.org/

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