Palla al centro: a history of Italy’s love affair with soccer

Jun 15, 2018 618


Usually, in Italy, you’d sense electricity in the air before the soccer World Cup begins: the country’s passion for calcio is well known, and when it comes to the national team, you can bet even the least likely among us turn into a fervid supporter. It’s a matter of pride, some say, because Italy has such a glorious past in the sport, pity this year we’ll have to find someone else to side with, as the Azzurri didn’t make it to the tournament’s finals in Russia. 

The fact Italy is out of the World Cup is in itself a pretty big deal: four times a winner, second only to Brasil with five cups under its belt, we’re usually one of the favorites, even when we fail to impress. It’s a bit of a given, really: Italy is good at football, just the way it’s good at food and fine arts, but this year we’re all forced to take the backseat and let others do the talking. In the hope, of course, it’ll go better in 2022. 

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