"Republic Day" in the Italian Language

May 31, 2017 908

Years ago I awoke in a hotel in Rome on a sunny morning to the sound of bands  playing and troops marching through the city. When I turned on the television, I saw crowds massed along the streets, flags fluttering in the sky and scores of uniformed soldiers. Rushing to the concierge, I asked what was going on.

“Signora, è il due di giugno!” he exclaimed. “La festa della Repubblica d’Italia!” (the Feast of the Italian Republic). When I looked baffled, he compared it to the most American of celebrations: “il vostro Quattro Luglio” (your Fourth of July). This year marks the Republic’s 71st anniversary. By comparison, America’s commemoration  the signing of the Declaration of Independence, seems an old holiday.

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SOURCE: http://becomingitalianwordbyword.typepad.com

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