Unknown pizzas of Italy

Jul 03, 2022 397

BY: Francesca Bezzone

NapoletanaRomana and al taglioMargheritacapricciosa and quattro stagioni: of course, we are talking about pizza. But while these varieties are known across the globe, they are far from being the only ones, and I am not only speaking about toppings. If it’s true that pizza is a quintessentially Neapolitan dish – so much so that Neapolitan pizza-making received UNESCO recognition – we shouldn’t discount its many declensions and forms, in every region of Italy.

Now, we all know the basics, right? Pizza “Napoletana” has a fluffier crust, with nice, raised edges, which sometimes you get filled with cheese. Pizza “Romana” has a thinner, crunchier crust, and it’s usually more commonly found in pizzerias across the Northern regions – or so my experience taught me!

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SOURCE: https://italoamericano.org

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