Verona, romantic, historical, mysterious city

Dec 08, 2021 415

BY: Giulia Di Felice

Famous for being one of Italy’s most romantic cities, Verona has a charm which is recognized all over the world. It is no surprise in fact that generations of poets and writers have told its beauties, a case in point being William Shakespeare who made it the setting to the work he is probably most famous for, which to this day lends Verona that area of mystery which is so typical of this town. 

Verona, he who sees you and immediately does not fall in love with you, he I believe does not love himself, does not know what love is and hates all beautiful things. When we think of romance the first city that comes to mind is Verona. Let us be clear and state that there are other romantic cities in Italy but Verona is shrouded in love and mystery that will always characterize it.  

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