What Happened in Rome’s Circus Maximus?

Apr 08, 2024 948

The Circus Maximus, a sprawling amphitheater nestled between the Palatine Palace and the Aventine Hill, epitomized the grandeur of ancient Roman entertainment. Originally a venue for celebratory games, it blossomed into a multifaceted arena under the influence of Greek chariot racing, hosting diverse events like animal hunts and triumphal processions.

Constructed in various phases, the Circus Maximus reached its zenith under Trajan, boasting impressive architectural features that awed spectators. Chariot racing, the main attraction, featured skilled ‘aurigae’ maneuvering ‘quadriga’ around the massive track, thrilling audiences with daring maneuvers and heart-stopping crashes.

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SOURCE: https://www.ancient-origins.net

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