'Comedy's gotta push people': Joe DeVito to perform in Auburn

Jan 03, 2019 1894

BY: David Wilcox

Joe DeVito turned 50 in December. And the perspective that comes with that milestone age can be found throughout both his comedy and his approach to it. Performing at Auburn Public Theater Saturday, DeVito said that much of his material focuses on being single at his age. Most comedians in their 40s and 50s talk about being married and having children, he said, and the ones who talk about dating are commonly in their 20s or 30s.

He also covers pop culture, growing up in an Italian-American family and spending time in New York City. However, DeVito tends to stay away from political material. Not only is its shelf life short and the risk of offending audiences high, but political comedy tends not to chase laughs, he said.

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SOURCE: https://auburnpub.com

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