First on First: The Calendar

Jan 10, 2016 569

Did you know Italians created the current calendar system? Early Roman calendars were modeled after the lunar cycle, though each month had an odd number of days. In 46 B.C., Julius Caesar teamed up with astronomer Sosigenes to create a new calendar system that was aligned with the solar year. The Julian system had 365 days and 12 months – just as we have today.

In 1582, the calendar as we know it was introduced. Pope Gregory XIII (born Ugo Boncompagni in Bologna) was concerned that Easter was no longer being celebrated near the spring equinox, as the Julian calendar was slightly inaccurate. This inaccuracy meant that the calendar was no longer in sync with the seasons. Pope Gregory XIII sought to fix the issue and announced his own calendar: the Gregorian calendar. 

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