Hello America!

Nov 19, 2019 1578

BY: Franky in NY Foundation for the Italian Americans

"My best regards sent by the wireless telegraph from Italy to America - G. Marconi, 5.47 pm". These simple few words marked one of the most revolutionary innovations ever in the history of communications. It was 19th November 1911, and Guglielmo Marconi inaugurated the radiotelegraphic station in Coltano, Pisa. The message was delivered to the New York Times office through a receiver located in Nova Scotia. It was the first time a message traveled for more than 4,000 miles, almost double the distance that had been covered so far.

Telegraphic communications were the future, and Guglielmo Marconi was the ultimate in the field. Just two years before, in 1909, he had been awarded with the Nobel Prize for physics along with Ferdinand Braun. And when Titanic sank, on December 1912, the transatlantic radio operator managed to get 700 people to safety thanks to his quickly telegraphed SOS. After that, the link between Marconi and the States was even tighter: Newyorkers tributed him hero honors for contributing saving so many lives.

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