Italians in America – Our Immigrant Stories: His legacy is one of hard work, family and caring community

Jun 27, 2024 286

BY: Tanya Tecce

After 25-year-old Anthony Carbonetta stayed with his grandfather Nicolo’s family in his hometown Via Crocetta, Italy last year; all the tales, mannerisms, superstitions and traditions came full circle. He understands now just how much his grandfather triumphed to give his children and grandchildren a better life. “I see now what he was dealing with. I also can see my own legacy through him.”Nicola Carbonetta was born the second of three sons in Via Crocetta, Abruzzo in 1949.

“Visiting the cemetery my grandfather’s entire family is buried in sent a ripple effect through me. Seeing all those names that I recognize, put it into perspective. Thinking of the people that left their home because they decided to make a better life. They risked that for future generations, and the great job they’ve done for all of us.”

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