NEWS FROM : Art & Heritage  

Si parla spesso della fuga di talenti dall'Italia, a volte con rammarico, ma bisogna ammettere che un mercato come quello americano presenta delle opportunità concrete a chi quel talento e tanta passione davvero ce l'ha.   È ciò che accomuna i dieci artisti under 35 che compongono il programma di Film for Meeting 2014. Si tratta di uno showc...

A brunch with the artist. Join us for a unique opportunity to meet and brunch with Domenico Monteforte as we celebrate the conclusion of his month-long residency at the IIC.   Renowned food expert Viola Buitoni will design and curate a glorious Tuscan menu to accompany Domenico's paintings for an exclusive experience recreating a full immer...

There was an exceedingly awkward moment near the beginning of my conversation with Marianna Gatto, the executive director of the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles, which opened in the city's downtown earlier this month. We were in a second floor room of the Italian Hall, a 1908 building handsomely restored into the city's newest museum, for on...

Una significativa cerimonia ha suggellato l'investitura di dieci nuovi membri della sezione che la National Italian Honor Society (Gamma Kappa Alpha) ha istituito alla University of Southern California (USC). A darne notizia è il Consolato generale a Los Angeles.   L'appartenenza alla Gamma Kappa Alpha – attiva in tutto il Nord America – è...

With each passing year, more immigrants are coming to Italy in search of a new home. In an effort to better integrate them into Italy's multi-faceted, democratic society, the Government of Italy has created the Migrants' Integration Portal, an online resource that engages immigrants from 16 key nations with useful information and services relating...

This exhibition explores the evolution of Italian painting over five centuries, from late Medieval works of the 14th century to Impressionist pictures of the 19th century, featuring some of the greatest masters of these periods, including G. Bellini, S. Botticelli, F. Guardi, L. Signorelli, and Titian. More at

by Catherine Accardi   What does one talk about when speaking with a legend? How often does one have the opportunity to speak with an icon of San Francisco's North Beach and beyond? And, in Italian, which he likes to call "la bella lingua". He enjoys being called Lorenzo.   I recently spoke with Lawrence Ferlinghetti about North Beach...

It's back to school season and the time for self improvement is ripe. If you've always wanted to try your tongue at the bella lingua now is the time. "Strike while the iron is hot!" as the Americans say. And the good news for you, dear lingual blacksmith, is that the Bay Area has a plethora of options for you to develop and hone your Italian skills...

di Roberto Bonzio   Lo stralunato "Doc", il dottor Emmet Brown di "Ritorno al Futuro" è ispirato proprio a lui, che negli anni Settanta è stato una figura di punta della scienza quantistica e contemporaneamente della controcultura californiana. Scienziato eccentrico, Jack Sarfatti classe 1939 vive ancora a San Francisco, dove Italiani di Fro...

This roundtable discussion by leading California scholars in Italian American cinema and culture will cover some of the following questions related to Italian American media, representation, and history. What is the role of film and mass media in the constant reconstruction or refreshing of Italian and Italian American iconic images?  ...

by Eric Brightwell Los Angeles and Orange Counties are home to many official and unofficial (but widely recognized) ethnic enclaves, including Cambodia Town, Chinatown, Historic Filipinotown, Koreatown, Little Armenia, Little Arabia, Little Bangladesh, Little Ethiopia, Little India, Little Osaka, Little Saigon, Little Seoul, Little Tokyo, Oaxacato...

Date: Wednesday, November 04, 2015 Hours: 6:30 PM Venue: IIC Organized by: IIC In collaboration with: Luce Cinecitta' and UC Santa Barbara On Italian National Unity and Armed Forces Day, the IIC commemorates WWI Centennial with the screening of Fango e Gloria (docufiction, 2014, 90') directed by Leonardo Tiberi. In Italian with English subtitl...