The first Online Columbus Day will unite Italy and the United States in the celebration of Christopher Columbus. In covid times it is not possible to organize events in physical presence, but you will see 50 leaders of the Italian American community representing thousands of other Italian Americans through national and local organizations led by them. This year both American and Italian Columbus Day coincide on the same day, Monday, October 12.
There will be the two anthems of the most wonderful nations in the world, sung by another Christopher, the great Chris Macchio. There will be greetings by the two members of the Italian Parliament who have been defending Columbus inside and outside the institutions for years.
And there will be a magnificent documentary entitled "Christopher Columbus. The man, the journey, the myth", filmed in Genoa, the city where Columbus was born. Through the Genoese places that hand down his memory, we will undertake a real journey in the footsteps of Christopher Columbus, trying to understand the manner of his formation, his motivations and to understand and contextualize the results of his extraordinary journey. All accompanied by historical sources, documents and artistic testimonies. For the documentary, we thank: the Mayor of Genoa Marco Bucci; the Councillor for Culture of Genoa Barbara Grosso; the Scientific Director of the UNESCO site Palazzi dei Rolli Giacomo Montanari; the historian Antonio Musarra; the director Lorenzo Zeppa.
Two Flags, One Heart, A great hero.
A bridge over the Atlantic that joins Italy and the United States to celebrate who crossed it first. We look forward to seeing you Monday, October 12, 2020 at 3 pm East coast time, 2 pm Central time, 1 pm Mountain time and 12 am (noon) pacific coast time, and at 9 pm if you are in Italy.
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Please enjoy the trailer of the documentary on Christopher Columbus by Lorenzo Zeppa
(please click on the settings icon and put the captions ON)