In the annals of Hollywood, few actors have achieved what John Cazale managed in his brief but illustrious career. With a filmography that boasts only five movies, each one was nominated for the prestigious Academy Award for Best Picture. Even after his untimely demise, Cazale’s cinematic magic lived on when archive footage of him was incorporated...

Giancarlo Esposito has a story to tell and will take fans on a candid life journey in his new memoir. The Breaking Bad star has sold his untitled life story following a bidding war won by The Crown Publishing Group in partnership with Sugar23 Books. The book will follow Esposito’s life from his birth in Europe to a Black American mother and Italian...

He may have been born and raised a proud citizen of Italy, but Sergio Leone found his greatest cinematic successes coming when he applied his innovative and influential techniques to stories that were distinctly American in their conception and execution. It goes without saying the western has always been closely associated with the wide-open plain...

A favorite at the Locarno Film Festival last summer, Laura Luchetti’s pre-WWII coming-of-age drama The Beautiful Summer will now be arriving in the ideal season. Luchetti adapted the script with Cesare Pavese from his novel, featuring a cast including Yile Yara Vianello, Deva Cassel, Nicolas Maupas, and Alessandro Piavani. Ahead of the August 9 dig...

New Haven is a pretty easy place to find Italian food and fairs, but what about films? The Institute Library is satisfying that craving this summer with their new film series, “Ciao, Bella!” On Thursday night the second film of the three in the series — 1962’s Mamma Roma, directed by Pier Polo Pasolini — was screened among the stacks of their biogr...

Ever wondered what it’s like to navigate Hollywood’s golden era with icons like Frank Sinatra and Robert Mitchum?  What defines the essence of resilience and the enduring power of family bonds? Join us as we sit down with the remarkable Brenda Vaccaro, who takes us on a heartfelt journey through her Italian heritage and family history. Venture into...

Sergio Leone’s A Fistful of Dollars, starring Clint Eastwood, is set for a remake now in development. The 1964 classic film created the “spaghetti Western” and was itself a remake of Akira Korosawa’s 1961 Yojimbo. The latest version will come from Gianni Nunnari and Simon Horseman’s Euro Gang Entertainment and Italian production partner, Enzo Sisti...

When I first thought of writing about Illuminata, my uncle had been a handful of ashes for more than a year. Cancer meandered north from his prostate and made lesions on his liver, then penetrated his beautiful brain. I imagined sending him this essay—I wanted to write it because I knew he would enjoy it. After all, we loved opera and we loved one...

Martin Scorsese is going back to his Sicilian roots — he’s set to work on a documentary about shipwrecks off the coast of Sicily that will see him return to Polizzi Generosa, the Italian town where his paternal grandparents were born. The untitled project, first reported by Italian news agency ANSA, is based off the work of American archeologist Li...

Back in September, a packed house at the Sala Grande Theatre gave movie director Michael Mann and actor Adam Driver a six-minute standing ovation. Then, Airbnb’s announcement of a new category of home listing, called Icons, turned the Ferrari Museum into the dream bedroom of any Formula One fan. The Ferrari name has shined brightly for most of its...