Francesco Frisari’s innovative short film “The Prompt” is making waves in the international festival circuit, garnering prestigious recognition including the Best AI Film Award at the New York Shorts International Film Festival and an Official Selection at the renowned Turin Film Festival (42TFF). The 14-minute experimental animation film, which cl...

Dear friends, Welcome to the 2025 of We the Italians! The year begins with an important news for us. After 85,000 free contents, the first articles for those who would like to subscribe have appeared on our Facebook page. So many of you have asked us how to “subscribe” to We the Italians or help us grow, and today there is this tool that, for the p...

In a moving story that spans several decades, “The Macaluso Sisters” follows five orphaned sisters born and raised in an apartment on Palermo’s outskirts. They support themselves by renting out pigeons for events, a unique and symbolic business that reflects their resourcefulness and the transient nature of their lives. Directed by Emma Dante, who...

The Italian film "C'è Ancora Domani" (translated as "There’s Still Tomorrow"), directed by Paola Cortellesi, has officially been included in the longlist of films vying for a nomination for Best Picture at the 2025 Academy Awards. This marks a significant achievement for the Italian cinema industry, as the movie joins the ranks of the over 200 film...

The 2025 Golden Globe Awards saw Italian cinema and talent garner both praise and disappointment, with some shining victories and notable near-misses. One of the standout moments of the evening was the victory of Challengers, a sports drama directed by Luca Guadagnino. On the other hand, Vermiglio, the latest film by Maura Del Pero, did not secure...

John Capodice, an acting veteran whose credits included Ryan’s Hope, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, General Hospital and Seinfeld, died December 30. He was 83. The announcement was made on the website of the New Jersey Pizzi Funeral Home and did not list a cause of death. The funeral home called Capodice “a devoted husband, father and grandfather who...

In the mystery thriller Conclave, Italian American actress Isabella Rossellini portrays Sister Agnes, a nun who plays a pivotal role during the secretive process of selecting a new Pope. The film delves into the clandestine world of the Vatican's papal conclave, shedding light on the subtle yet significant influence of women within the traditionall...

In the heart of Astoria, in Queens, stands the world’s first vertical film studio: Wildflower Studios. This groundbreaking project, spearheaded by actor Robert De Niro and his son Raphael, symbolizes a new era for filmmaking in the Big Apple. Conceived in 2019 and now completed, the space aims to redefine global industry standards.  With a film ind...

In 1950, in the bay of Naples Italy, beautiful Parthenope (Celeste Dalla Porta) is born in the ocean itself. A princess (well not literally) who will live her youth in the crumbling castle her family’s life of privilege has afforded them. As she grows into her teenage years and beyond, she becomes a gorgeous, statuesque beauty drawing the attention...

In 2024, the film A Complete Unknown was released, offering a cinematic portrayal of Bob Dylan's early career and his relationship with Italian American Suze Rotolo. Directed by James Mangold, the biopic stars Timothée Chalamet as Dylan and Elle Fanning as Sylvie Russo, a character inspired by Rotolo. The film delves into Dylan's rise in the 1960s...