NEWS FROM : Art & Heritage  

When you think of "Little Italy," you may picture the well-known Italian American neighborhoods in downtown Manhattan and the Bronx — but did you know that there are hubs of Italian culture in almost every corner of New York City?   Following their mass immigration to New York in the late nineteenth century, Italian Americans dispersed throu...

Typically, people who head south for the winter, from New York to Palm Beach, are called snowbirds. But what do you call someone who makes the opposite journey?   This year, that is what Chris Leidy did. He is the Palm Beach, Fla.-born, heavily-tattooed photographer grandson of the late fashion designer Lilly Pulitzer. And last Thursday, his...

A East Harlem, dove nei primi del novecento nacque la più grande Little Italy degli Stati Uniti, sarà intitolata una strada a Vito Marcantonio, il politico di origine lucana (il nonno emigrò in America da Picerno) rimasto nel cuore della gente per le sue battaglie per i diritti civili e l'integrazione dei migranti e delle minoranze etniche. L'impe...

Thirteen years ago Pope Francis was still known as Archbishop Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires. In 2000, Bergoglio led a procession through the streets of the Argentinean capital carrying an ancient relic of St. Anthony of Padua. The popular Franciscan saint is known to help people find lost items such as lost jobs, lost homes, and lost hope.  ...

di Riccardo Chioni   Il Tiro a Segno come Piazza del Campo e come spettatori, i benefattori de Il Centro che tifavano non meno dei contradaioli senesi, in occasione di una rievocazione del Palio organizzata dalla Federazione delle Organizzazioni Italo-Americane di Brooklyn per raccogliere fondi destinati al costruendo Community Center. Idea...

With knowledge of your ancestral town in Italy, it is possible to start research using Italian records. Italy offers many records beyond birth, marriage and death. Mary M. Tedesco, founder of ORIGINS ITALY, frequently conducts genealogical research in Italy. She will help you discover what records are available and how they are accessed.   T...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo won re-election to a second term on Tuesday, defeating an underfunded Republican challenger and overcoming discontent within his Democratic Party base.   The Associated Press called the race for Mr. Cuomo shortly after polls closed at 9 p.m. in New York. At midnight, Mr. Cuomo had 54% of the vote with 93% of precin...

La Dolce Vita di Federico Fellini, uscito nel 1960, rappresenta una pietra miliare nel cinema italiano ed europeo e dopo 54 anni rimane tutt'ora attuale.   La nuova release è stata presentata lunedì 10 novembre alla Casa Italiana Zerilli Marimò della NYU insieme ad una conferenza e alla proiezione di alcuni contenuti extra del film girato da...

L'egregio documentario di John Maggio sugli italo americani presentato la scorsa settimana alla New York University (evento organizzato dalla Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò diretta da Stefano Albertini) e l'appendice cartacea elaborata da Maria Laurino rappresentano senza dubbio un importante momento storico e sociale nella scrittura e scoperta della...

Presented by Salvatore J. Turchio, M.S.Ed., State Historian - Grand Lodge of New Jersey  - Order Sons of Italy in America. You are cordially invited to attend an interactive PowerPoint presentation on the life and legacy of Frank Sinatra, and the cultural impact of his music, philanthropy, social activism, and patrioti...

By Niccolò Graffio Growing up, like many American-born boys, I was enamored with tales of superheroes, men with "powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men" who used their powers in the fight against evil. The names of these fictitious heroes no doubt would ring a bell with many who are reading this article: Superman, Spiderman, Thor and...

by Paul Saltarello   Dr. Giuseppe Perrucci serves in the Carabinieri in Italy: The Italian national police force. He has been a member since 2006, serving on many missions and patrols, including airports in Rome and Milan, as part of an anti-terrorism team. Presently, his duties are in the region of Basilicata, in southern Italy.  ...