NEWS FROM : Art & Heritage  

Beginning today, Sotheby's hosts a selling exhibition of works by globally renowned Italian sculptor and conceptual artist, Giuseppe Penone, entitled When Man Meets Nature. Presenting 36 works, this selling exhibition is one of the biggest shows of its kind in New York and features all mediums of his work including bronze, stone, photography and wo...

By Liliana Rosano Sognare l'America, conoscerla fino in fondo, scoprirla attraverso le letture, i racconti, la gente. Trovare quel filo sottile che unisce i due mondi, la Sicilia e il Nuovo mondo, e trasformarlo in storia, in memoria, in arte. Anche da lassù, dalla finestra di questo bellissimo palazzo dell'Ottocento, dove il mare Tirreno racconta...

Un'installazione del tutto originale nel segno della nuova sperimentazione intrapresa da Roberto Cuoghi, apprezzato esponente della cultura italiana nel mondo, quello che l'artista italiano presenta, dal 30 aprile al 29 maggio, per la sua prima al New Museum di New York.   "Šuillakku" l'ultima istallazione è un ambizioso progetto sonorodedic...

The 8th Annual Crachesi del Nord America Reunion brings us back to New York City and its Little Italy in search of our lost heritage.   Taking place during the weekend of August 16th-17th, 2014, the event, as always, will present us with an opportunity to meet with our "cousins' to exchange stories, memories and just spend time together. The...

Dennis Connors, Curator of History, is putting together an exhibit and is requesting your help! An exhibit will run on the second floor gallery of the OHA Museum from Sept. 12, 2014 through March 16, 2015. It will explore the Italian experience in Syracuse, starting in the 1880s and concentrating on the initial immigrants and the first and sec...

Celebrity came late to Emma Morano. Her routine life, in fact, might have raised barely an eyebrow were it not for the fact that she's managed to hold on to it for so long.   At 115 years and nearly three months, Ms. Morano is the oldest person in Europe, the fifth oldest in the world and one of only a handful of people whose lives have stra...

By Giovanni di Napoli After a trying week of work, my friend and I were looking for a brief respite from the city, so we took a short trip to Elmont, Long Island for the opening night of the Feast of Saint Anthony. Arriving a little early, we visited the newly renovated Saint Anthony Chapel on 90 Meacham Avenue for the Novena.   Greete...

by JTA   New York state is allocating $1.5 million in state funds for a memorial commemorating the victims of the 1911 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire. The New York Times reported Monday that the memorial will consist of steel panels on the former Triangle building in New York City. The building in the Greenwich Village neighborhood of Lower Man...

Guido Cagnacci was one of the most eccentric painters of seventeenth-century Italy, infamous for his unconventional art and lifestyle. His works, mostly religious in subject, are known for their unabashed, often unsettling eroticism, and his biography is no less intriguing.   Though his pictorial style was influenced by some of the most impo...

Don Capria describes himself as a "true crime aficionado" who has, for a long time, poured through books about Lucky Luciano, Al Capone, Joe Gallo and other mob bosses.   But the Astoria resident was most fascinated by Joe Colombo, a Brooklyn native who headed the Colombo crime family. The Italian-American was different from other alleged mo...

L'omaggio a Vito Marcantonio a 59 anni dalla sua morte, svoltosi ieri nel cimitero monumentale di Woodlawn nel Bronx ha voluto essere l'anteprima di una più partecipata riconoscenza al controverso personaggio politico italoamericano, la cui filosofia oggi è più attuale più che mai. Ha organizzato il tour guidato alla tomba di Marcantonio, a cui ha...

di Beatrice Bondi   Fabio Bonetti, in arte Volo, il bergamasco classe 1972 che partendo dalla panetteria del padre è riuscito a raggiungere un notevole successo nel panorama mediatico italiano, dapprima in radio, poi in televisione, per poi approdare al cinema e infine al campo letterario, ha presentato il suo ultimo libro tradotto in ingles...