NEWS FROM : Art & Heritage  

10 Dicembre 2015, ore 18.30. Meet the New Italians of New York - KICK OFF EVENT. Meet the New Italians of New York è un progetto promosso dal Consolato Generale d'Italia a New York con l'obiettivo di coinvolgere la nuova generazione di migranti italiani e favorirne la partecipazione alle attività delle Istituzioni del...

February 26. 6:30 pm — 8:00 pm. Westchester Italian Cultural Center. 24 Depot Square - Tuckahoe, New York   Raphael, the greatest painter of the Renaissance, took all that was great from the traditions of the Ancient Greco Roman art world and transformed it into works of unparalleled beauty, refinement and grand aesthetic...

Boys' & Girls' Towns of Italy (BGTI), a nonprofit that empowers war refugee, migrant and at-risk youth living on the streets, announced today the honoree of its Wine and Spirits Annual International Dinner to be held on Thursday, September 12 at Crest Hollow Country Club in Woodbury, New York.   BGTI will present the Man of the Year Awar...

Reduce da qualche giorno dal Belgio, dove ha partecipato al congresso degli Abruzzesi nel Mondo (CRAM) tenutosi dal 27 al 29 settembre scorsi a Charleroi, Bruxelles e Marcinelle, Goffredo Palmerini è ora in procinto di partire per gli Stati Uniti, per una missione che lo impegnerà dal 9 al 17 ottobre.Sarà infatti a New York a guidare la delegazione...

Il Mattino di Napoli ha scritto che finalmente l'America si interessa del Sud dell'Italia. "L'America alla scoperta del Mezzogiorno" titola il più importante quotidiano del Sud d'Italia riferendosi alla Conferenza organizzata dal Calandra Institute della Cuny di New York, grazie all'instancabile opera del Rettore, Prof. Anthony Tamburri e al patroc...

By Maurita Cardone Che il vino sia parte importante della cultura italiana lo sanno tutti, ma è sorprendente scoprire che attraverso la storia del nettare di Bacco si possa raccontare l'intera storia dell'Italia, dai Romani ad oggi.   È quello che fa Alessandra Rotondi, sommelier italiana d'adozione newyorchese che in due appuntamenti alla...

Presented by Don Marcello Stanzione and Luca Maria Guardabascio Angels: Our heavenly, dearest friends who never leave us and accompany us in the great little things in our life, always protecting us. This presentation is aimed to inform you about angels through the writings of the greatest expert on angels in Italy, Don Marcello Stanzione, who is...

by Linda Leuzzi   Jim Romeo was off to a consulting job after the Advance interview. Work, family and community are what he stands for. "I spent most of my time with my grandparents on my mother's side," he said. "We lived right next door on West 2nd Street." Holidays with 30 or 40 relatives were the norm.   At age 12, he helped...

Parade route commences at Kaufman Studios located at 34-12 36th Street, Astoria, NY and ends on Astoria Blvd. and Cav. Vincent Iannece Street, named in honor of the co-founder and motivating force in reinstating this parade. Sponsored by Federation of Italian American Organizations of Queens, Inc. Grand Marshal Commissioner Cav. Daniel Nigro of th...

ITALY EARLY AND LATE. An exhibition of paintings by Peter Ruta The artist in conversation with Ara Merjian (NYU). On view through February 27, 2015 - Mon-Fri 10-5. Casa Zerilli marimò   Peter Ruta is known in the US for his mature work: New York cityscapes and rugged western landscapes, but from 1947 to 1962, moving between R...

Cynthia Ann Stephanie Lauper was born on June 22, 1953. Her mother, Catrine Gallo, is an Italian American whose family is from Sicily. Cyndi was raised in Queens, NY, as a Roman Catholic. She dropped out of high school and moved out on her own when she was 17.   She began singing in local cover bands and working odd jobs to make ends meet. I...

For 14 years, Open Roads has proudly offered to North American audiences the most diverse and extensive lineup of contemporary Italian film available. This year's program strikes a satisfying balance between emerging talents and esteemed veterans—as well as (at least) one master: Ermanno Olmi, among the nation's leading lights for over half a centu...