Internationally acclaimed Italian singer Giada Valenti is set to perform her much-loved show, “Songs From The Movies,” at the historic Sellersville Theater in Sellersville, PA, Wednesday, October 16. Giada Valenti, known for her enchanting PBS special and standout performances in prestigious venues such as The Smith Center in Las Vegas and Carnegie...
A beloved tradition with roots back to the early 1900s returns to South Philadelphia. The Annual St. Nicholas of Tolentine Authentic Italian Festival will bring out thousands of people on Sunday, October 6th, to the 1700 Block of South 9th Street, from 12 Noon to 8:00pm. One of the largest authentic Italian festivals of the year is back and starts...
Three days of Italian heritage and culture returns to Harford County this weekend. The event is being held at the Harford County Equestrian Center in Bel Air, MD. The Galbani Maryland Italian Festival offers fun for the entire family such as live entertainment, cooking and wine demonstrations, retail vendors, and all the food you can handle. Frank...
Local and county officials will join the Trenton Columbus Statue Restoration Committee and several Italian American organizations for a Columbus Day flag-raising ceremony in Veterans Park on October 14,. The event will take place from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. The ceremony will include remarks from Honorable Cav. Gilda Rorro Ed.D., Honorary Vice Consul...
Longtime Delaware County journalist Peg DeGrassa will accept the Athena Leadership Award at the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce Leadership Luncheon on Oct. 9 at the Llanerch Country Club on West Chester Pike in Havertown, Pa. DeGrassa is the editor of Town Talk Newspapers and The News and Press of Delaware County, and a reporter for The Delawar...
Saturday October 12, 2024 @ 8:00 pm. Mayo Performing Arts Center - 100 South Street, Morristown, NJ. Rich Francese’s Italian American Comedy All Stars is a fast paced, unpredictable and hysterically funny show in which proud Italian-American comics Eric Tartaglione, Regina DeCicco, Joseph Anthony and Rich Francese discuss family, friends, growing u...
Cinema with a Social Conscience: Italian Neorealism is coming to Villanova University. According to information provided by Alessandra Seggi, the creator of the event, “the series aims to screen films by or about Neorealist filmmakers with relevant U.S. counterparts. For each film, I envision a screening, plus a lively conversation between a filmma...
More than 100 relatives and descendants of Vito Baldi and Rosa Galzerano, who were born in Campania in the 1800s, gathered at family events in June in Malvern and South Philadelphia. Cousins flew in from Alaska, California, Mexico City and Italy to attend a reception and dinner in Malvern hosted by Patty Baldi Holloway and her husband Gary. A bus t...
East Hanover Councilman Michael Martorelli has been chosen to serve as "Man of the year" for the 2024 Columbus Day Parade. Councilman Martorelli will be presented with the award at the East Hanover Italian American Club Awards Dinner on Friday, October 11, 2024. The Dinner Dance will be held at the Hanover Manor in East Hanover, NJ, starting at 6:3...
Saturday, October 05, 2024. 2:00 PM — 3:00 PM. Nutley Public Library, 93 Booth Drive, Nutley, NJ 07110. Join us for celebration of Italian Heritage Month with a program by D'Italia Programs! This program, aims to honor and acknowledge the contributions of Italians in American society through a variety of traditional and contemporary music and dance...
For a century, St. Anthony of Padua Parish has been a mainstay of Wilmington’s Little Italy, and the parish is ready to celebrate its birthday. It’s so big that the parish will take an entire year to properly mark the milestone. It all begins on Oct. 6 with a Year of Jubilee Mass at 10:30 a.m. at the church, which is located at Ninth and Dupont str...
Ninth Avenue between East 28th Street and McLean Blvd will be renamed as “William “Bill” Pascrell Jr. Way ,” in honor of the late Congressman who lived there.Pascrell served in Congress for almost 30 years years until his death in August. Throughout his career, he championed causes such as social justice, public safety, healthcare, and education,...