Angelina Jolie is taking on another war-torn tale of survival. The Oscar-winning megastar is in final talks with Universal and Walden Media to direct "Unbroken," a biopic of Olympian-turned-war-hero Louis Zamperini. Based on the bestselling 2010 book "Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption" by Laura Hillebrand, the f...

Kicking off the big 38th Anniversary Gala Weekend will be "Come Fly with Me" —NIAF's first-ever Casino Night! Presented by Alitalia, and located at the lush atrium of the Ronald Reagan Building on Pennsylvania Avenue in the Nation's Capital, this electrifying evening at the casino tables includes hors d'oeuvre stations, open bar, and live music and...

Avete amici che vogliono imparare l'italiano? Italians in DC è fiera di annuciare la sua partnership con l'Italian Language Program dell'Italian Cultural Society. La partership prevede sconti altper i soci di Italians in DC per l'anno accademico 2013/2014. Fondata nel 1974 con il contributo del Ministero degli Affari Esteri, l'Italian Language Pr...

Tu e la tua famiglia are cordially invited to commemorate your italianità at the History Center with a full day of interactive activities designed with K-12 students in mind. In honor of Italian Heritage Month, local community groups and museum staff will facilitate educational activities on every floor of the museum.   Activities are concei...

Enlow Hall presents its spring "Concert and Café", featuring the virtuoso New Jersey string orchestra Arco Ensemble, on April 19 at 3:00 p.m. The program will highlight music by Italian composers and will be conducted by the vibrant young Canadian, Jean-Marie Zeitouni.   Zeitouni, is currently the artistic director of I Musici Montreal and m...

Three streets along Arlington Avenue have been ceremoniously renamed in honor of township veterans. The North Brunswick Veteran Street Sign Program allows township residents who were wartime veterans to have their names added on a secondary street sign on an existing municipal road.   The intersection with Grove Street will be known a...

AC Cugini is excited to announce it is expanding and has opened an additional office in Fredericksburg, VA, effective May 15, 2015. AC Cugini President Fabio Diletti is the head instructor for the Fredericksburg academy training.   Academy ProgramWe are conducting tryouts at the Momentum Sports Training Center in Fredericksburg for AC Cugini...

By Nicholas Zeitlinger   For five summer nights, the neighborhood surrounding Holy Rosary Church will come alive with music, games of chance, kids' activities, and delicious Italian food and drinks.   It all takes place starting Wednesday and running through Sunday, Aug. 16, at Holy Rosary Church on Sixth Street in Historic Downtown J...

by Peter Cameron   Gino Mori, M.D., wouldn't shake anyone's hand Sunday night at the 107th annual dinner of the Columbus Day Association of Lackawanna County. But the retired 82-year-old physician, being honored as the association's Man of the Year at a banquet at Fiorelli Catering in Blakely, wasn't letting the award go to his head. &...

The U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce the extension of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Italy Concerning the Imposition of Import Restrictions on Categories of Archaeological Material Representing the Pre-Classical, Classical and Imperial Roman...

Sharon Yandoli - she of the distinct accent that sounds straight out of Brooklyn but is all Jersey City, where's she from - met her future husband at what was then Hoboken Pizzeria.   She had just watched "The Usual Suspects'' at the local movie theater - slept right through it, she remembers - and stopped at the restaurant, where Angelo "Bu...

On Sunday morning, three hours before the kickoff of the season opener, Eagles fans surrounding Lincoln Financial were sending up sweet barbecue smoke from their tailgating parties. Meanwhile, two blocks east of the stadium, men and women driving SUVs and pickup trucks were fighting their way through game day traffic to reach the site of anoth...