By Anna Spiegel Boston-based restaurateur Michael Schlow is building a strong presence in Washington, having opened two popular restaurants in the District—Tico and the Riggsby—in under two years. Next up for the James Beard Award-winning chef: Alta Strada, an Italian osteria, and a still-unnamed international crudo bar, all bound for the...
Gianluigi Dellaccio operates three gelato shops in the Washington, D.C. area. Each shop is called Dolci Gelati. Shoppers can find his products in local stores and supermarkets. Dellaccio is living his dream of bringing gelato to the United States. But it was not easy to get to where he is today. Delaccio grew up in Italy. Before...
L'esperienza Envoy SuiteEnvoy Suite, la business class internazionale di US Airways, è disponibile a bordo degli A330 che collegano Venezia e Philadelphia nel periodo compreso dal 5 giugno al 3 settembre 2013, mentre sarà presente su tutti i voli stagionali estivi tra Roma e Charlotte.
Festa della Repubblica oltreoceano per le Famiglie dell'Amarone d'Arte protagoniste a Washington e Boston di due eventi organizzati in occasione dell'anno della cultura italiana. Il vino principe della Valpolicella sarà l'ospite d'onore il 4 giugno della cena ufficiale intitolata alla ricorrenza organizzata all'Ambasciata italiana di Washington con...
The Italian Cultural Foundation recently decided to donate bags of food bought by the proceeds of their Annual St. Joe's Dinner. For Robert Odorizzi, the Treasurer of the Foundation, giving food is a family tradition. "A very nice thing that was always said about our family was, they said, your great grandmother was a very giving person," said...
by Melody Asper Hanover's newest restaurant may seem like an old friend to anyone who was raised or worked in the Maryland area within the last three decades. Illiano's J&P Restaurant, 1154 West Elm Ave., Hanover, is the fifth in a line of thriving restaurants owned by Mike Illiano. The new restaurant and pizzeria which opened...
Meno posti di lavoro, meno pasti fuori casa. La crisi economica ha cambiato le abitudini alimentari degli americani; nuove tendenze e stili di vita stanno orientando i consumi che incidono sull'industria alimentare. Gli americani mangiano sempre più spesso a casa e per questo motivo si fanno sempre più scelte di acquisto e si comprano più prodotti...
By Dan Gigler With the starting gun set to pop off on the annual five-week sprint to Christmas along with the orgy of consumerism that accompanies it, here's a pro tip, if you find yourself in the vicinity of the Waterfront with hunger pangs after a day of trampling strangers in pursuit of one of those ludicrous Swagway hoverboards (People...
Matteo Catalani rattles off cooking instructions like a doctor prescribing medicine. It's a Sunday afternoon at Union Market in Northeast, where Catalani operates a fresh pasta stand called Cucina Al Volo. The name means "kitchen on the fly" in Italian, appropriate considering its co-owner hardly stands still. He scrubs skillets. He plunge...
Da diverse settimane 10mila quintali di olio extra vergine di alta qualità italiana sono bloccati alla dogana degli Stati Uniti perché sono state rinvenute tracce di un pesticida autorizzato in Europa ma non oltre oceano. A lanciare l'allarme è il Consorzio nazionale degli olivicoltori, che ha scritto ai ministri dell'Agricoltura e della Salute, in...
Hoboken Tours celebrates the sixth year of Mangia Hoboken! The Hoboken Food & Culture Tour. "We offer a weekly walking tour that offers residents and visitors a behind-the-scenes look at the world class food establishments that highlight Hoboken's Italian heritage." said Tour Director, Avi Ohring, "The tour focuses on smaller family ow...
New Jersey Wine School is thrilled to announce the launch of this new wine course and offer you the opportunity to master Italian wines while obtaining a specialized wine certification. The Italian Wine Scholar Study and Certification program provides up-to-date, extensive and precise information on the diverse wines and wine regions of It...